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Announcing the Senior Surf Sports Committee

On Monday 14th September the Senior Surf Sports Committee called it’s first meeting for the 2015/16 season.
Amongst other agenda items key positions within the committee were decided. These are as follows:

– Senior Competiton Officer (voted at AGM) – Karin Humphrey
– Secretary – Kerry Schulz
– U14s coach – Sean McKenzie
– Ski Captain – Sean McKenzie (supported by Laurence Fletcher)
– Board Captain – Sean McKenzie (supported by Nick Penny)
– Swim Captain – Trent Bampton
– Boat Captain – Steve Sims
– Beach Captain – TBA
– Youth Development Officer (senior representative) – Paige Purdie

General committee members include – Craig Lienert, Donna Giannetta, Greg McKenzie and Jeff Bampton.

On carnival days Daryle Rigney will be the Team Manager for the U14/15 age groups.

Please feel free to chat to any member of our committee should you have any questions/require any information.

Senior training camp

We have boooked in the Chiton Rocks SLSC for a senior training camp which is open to all season 15/16 U14s and above, for the weekend of Fri 30th Oct-Sun 1st Nov.

Cost is $22 per person per night, we have received a discount because all qualified attendees will be doing Chiton’s patrol on the Saturday.

All food will be organised for the attendees, which will come at a further cost which will be circulated closer to the event (after the shop is done).


Karin Humphrey needs DEFINITE numbers ASAP so the booking can be confirmed. Sleeping arangements are a large dorm, so everyone will need to bring their own sleeping bags and pillows.


As our new U14s will not yet have their SRC we will require sufficient water cover to allow them to get the most out of there surf experience.

Let’s get this season underway with a camp that has been so successful at team bonding and developing new surf skills.


Karin Humphrey


Radio Room 2015/16 season

Hi All,

As part of our Patrol Requirements we are required to provide 2 Bronze Medallion Holders to man the SurfCom Radio Room on three dates this season.

The dates are (between 11:30am and 6pm):

  • Sunday the 11th of October
  • Saturday the 12th of December
  • Tuesday the 26th of January (Australia Day)

If you are interested in assisting us meet these requirements please contact me on

Please note no experience is required, you will be provided with sufficient supported and partnered with someone with experience.  It is not a difficult task and as long as you are Bronze Qualified you will be more than capable of handling it! Every season we struggle to meet this requirement and rely on a small number of people so would be great to increase the number of people capable of assisting as we could then split these dates into shifts, meaning a smaller commitment for all!

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or to express your interest, will be much appreciated!


Georgia Robbins



Ladies! It’s your time to shine

dl_invitation_template-image-003Ladies it is your time to shine. Surf Life Saving SA has introduced their #surfsisterslevelup social media campaign. This campaign is designed encourage and motivate SA women to get involved or enrich their experience in Surf Lifesaving and take it to the next level.

Anyone can level up and you can choose to level up in any way that suits you.

For example; A Nipper Mum might want to do her Bronze Medallion, a Beachie might want to have a crack at rowing boats, you might do the next level up in your first aid training or put your hand up for a leadership role at your club or decide to start your journey as a coach or an official.
click on the links below for some inspiration and opportunities to level up this season!

Seta Bacher is planning to get her Bronze this summer

Seta Bacher is planning to get her Bronze this summer


Thank you SAPSASA BBQ Helpers

A big thank you to all the helpers at last Tuesday Port District Cross Country BBQ.


The day was a success with over $500 raised through the sale of sausages in bread, cold drinks and homemade cupcakes.


Helpers on the day included Nev Schulz, Carl Partridge, Heather Clarke, Steve Weir, Lisa James, Pat Larven, John Stevens and Brad & Trudy Tunbridge


All the kids loved the cupcakes that were supplied by Steph Breaden, Trudy Tunbridge, Lisa James, Mardi Lienert, Heather Clarke and Heather Andrews.


Thanks to all the families of the runners for their support on the day.


It was a great way to start the season raising some much needed funds


Thanks Brad


***The club would also like to thank Brad and Trudy Tunbridge for organising the day. It wouldn’t have happened without you***

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Important dates

A few important dates to put in your calendar for the next few weekssemaphore logo top

Sunday 27th September- Club working Bee and sign on day. 10am-2pm

Saturday 10th October- First Nipper day, come and try begins. Time TBA

Saturday 10th October- Patrols Commence. 12:30pm


Robe Senior Carnival

This Season’s Robe Carnival will be on Saturday 28th Nov.The Club has booked Tarooki Bunkhouse for Friday 27th and 28th Nov.

This will be a full senior carnival with boats, boards, skis, swims, etc. and will include U14s.

Tarooki is a Bunkhouse comprising of 7 bunk rooms sleeping 9 or 10 in each room and 4 twin share rooms with ensuite which may be reserved for our more mature members. Camping on site is also an option.

Nipper families are welcome to attend as there will be a Combined fun Board training/wave cracking session on Long Beach Friday evening and Sunday Morning.

Damian Brogden will be again supplying dinner Saturday night for approximately $12/head,

The stunning Robe Long beach, kilometres of white sand with gentle rolling surf

The stunning Robe Long beach, kilometres of white sand with gentle rolling surf

which was a great feed last year.

Cost for accommodation is $26/head and half price for kids 3 to 6 years. Get in early as beds will fill fast.

To book contact Craig Lienert on 0430160055 or email

Stay tuned for payment details and futher information. If you are interested in more information on Tarooki, please visit their website below.

Club Working Bee & Registration Day

The Annual Working Bee and Early Registration Day is just around the corner!

Head down to the club on Sunday the 27/9/15 between 10am and 2pm to help us get the club spick and span ready for a big season ahead!

This is also a great opportunity to pay your memberships early.

After all theres only 23 days left until the start of the Patrol/ Junior Season and we couldn’t be more excited!

Looking forward to seeing you there


Friday night bistro special 11/9

This Friday’s special in the bistro is

Salmon Pasta with caper and dill in a rich cream sauce for just $17

Helpers Wanted

Helpers Wanted


Can you cook sausages?

Can you bake Cupcakes?


Semaphore SLSC is putting on a BBQ at the club for the Port Districts SAPSASA cross country on Tuesday 15th September to raise money for the upcoming season.


Volunteers are required to help cook the BBQ as well as serve Drinks and Cupcakes to the kids after their races.


The event goes from 9.30am to 1.30pm so if you can spare 1 hour, or the morning,  your help will be greatly appreciated.


We will also be selling home made Cupcakes so if you can bake up a dozen it would be appreciated.


Please contact Brad (0412 073 688) or Trudy (0408 824 789) to let us know how you can assist us with this event.