Semaphore SLSC Awards Night – This Saturday

End of Season Working Bee

10am-12am Sat April 2nd

The club is looking for volunteers to come help clean-up downstairs at the club in preparation for the off season.

Stay round for a sausage sizzle and drink afterwards.

If you think you can help, please send a message to Brad Clee 0475 075 822 to assist with catering.

Canteen this Saturday, 15th January 2022

With the absence of our illustrious Canteen Manager Gregg the Club President (Paul) will be manning the kitchen before training this week with a modified light snack menu.

Open from 10:30 am for Toasted Sandwiches, Cold Rolls, and a Presidential specialty Flat Dogs (thats a hot dog made in a sandwich press). If you’ve ever been to Pt Adelaide Baseball Club you’ll know what I mean.

After training there will be a gold coin donation sausage sizzle, and Nippers will also get a Zooper Dooper.

Gregg will be back with his famous club breakfast menu next Saturday (22nd Jan)

Largs Bay Swim Centre – New Club Sponsor

We welcome Largs Bay Swim Center as a Bronze Sponsor of Semaphore SLSC. Many of our Club’s members have enjoyed a long relationship with the Center and this has lead to this great business coming on board as official Club Sponsors.

Many of our Nippers currently enjoy the learn to swim classes with some already graduated to the squad programs and as such have joined the majority of our Youth and Senior competitors.

In fact we would urge any Nipper wanting to be successful in surf competition, if not currently undertaking learn to swim or squad sessions, to do so. It is one of the most important skills in Surf Life Saving. Just because you can stay afloat in a pool doesn’t mean you can complete a 150m open water proficiency swim.

We even have a Club swim nights as part of the centre’s Aussies Squad on Wednesday nights from 7pm, or once graduated from the learn to swim program we have a squad for our Nippers simply to assist in building endurance for surf swimming.

Contact the Centre on 8341 6062 to ask about the right session for you or your children.

Youth Development Group news – Training and Junior Mentor Day

Tuesday Night training from 4-5pm for U/14-17’s commences this week. Please bring regular surf gear plus runners.
Meantime Saturday 20th October will be Junior Mentor Day.  U14-U17’s will be allocated to junior age groups to assist Age Group Managers with regular junior training from 1-3pm.  Please report by 12:45 at the latest!
The Junior Mentor Day will provide an opportunity for youth members to buddy up with junior members, creating new friendships, providing guidance as role models and aiding Age Group Managers in running the regular training smoothly.  All are encouraged to attend as it will be a great day with lots of fun to be had.  U12’s and U13’s are to remain in their own age groups.

Training News

SRC & Bronze Medallion Training Last Weekend

Last weekend (5th to 7th of October) approximately 30 of our young members, undertook their SRC & Bronze Top-Up training.  In what must surely be record numbers in one intake, the students & trainers committed to 3 days of long and intensive training both in & out of the water.  Whilst the weather was pleasant outside of the water, feedback was that each of the students now understand what it is like to be a Polar Bear!!

As a club, Semaphore is extremely proud that such a large percentage of our junior/youth members are transitioning from competition to patrolling members.  Given we primarily exist as a Community Volunteer Service Organisation, such large numbers augurs well for the coming years.

Many thanks to Heather Eckert as the principal trainer for the three days. Heather was ably and gratefully assisted by several volunteers handling water cover and other tasks.  Thanks also to Jennie Charlton and her team for helping co-ordinate such a monumental achievement.  The feedback from all the students was extremely positive both on the training itself as well as our new Training Facilities.

Well done everyone!

Save the date – Youth Group meeting this Sunday!

Dont forget Youth Group information session this Sunday at 11am at the club.  Come along and hear about the exciting activities being offered for under 12s to under 17s this season.

Youth Group BBQ

A reminder that there will be a Youth Group information BBQ Sunday 23rd September 11am.  Come along to hear about the exciting season ahead.

Please RSVP to Luke or Georgia on 0431376722 or 0429066138 before the day.