Board and Ski Event 1

The 2015/16 season will get underway with the first of two board and ski events.

Board and Ski Event 1 is to be held on Saturday 10th October at Seacliff SLSC. Marshaling will be from 8am with the event to be held from 9-11am (approximately).

This event is open to U14 – Masters (board) and U17 – Masters (ski).

Please see the attached circular for further information.
C15062 Board and Ski nominations

If you would like to participate in this event please email Karin Humphrey at by 5pm Monday 5th October.

Beach Captain Wanted!!

This season we are looking at holding a weekly training session that is specifically focussed on beach events: – flags, sprints, relays and the 2k run.
Our aim is for the group to include all of those that are keen from U12s up so that this group can develop through the later Junior ages and continue into Seniors.

We are looking for someone (more than one person definitely an option) prepared to run this session (day and time to be negotiated).
We will provide you with all of the support needed (including contact with those at other clubs doing the same role).
So – if you are a bit of a ‘beachie’ yourself and would like to share your knowledge and ‘talent’ and/or you are keen to help out in an area that we are eager to develop please let Karin Humphrey know at

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Announcing the Senior Surf Sports Committee

On Monday 14th September the Senior Surf Sports Committee called it’s first meeting for the 2015/16 season.
Amongst other agenda items key positions within the committee were decided. These are as follows:

– Senior Competiton Officer (voted at AGM) – Karin Humphrey
– Secretary – Kerry Schulz
– U14s coach – Sean McKenzie
– Ski Captain – Sean McKenzie (supported by Laurence Fletcher)
– Board Captain – Sean McKenzie (supported by Nick Penny)
– Swim Captain – Trent Bampton
– Boat Captain – Steve Sims
– Beach Captain – TBA
– Youth Development Officer (senior representative) – Paige Purdie

General committee members include – Craig Lienert, Donna Giannetta, Greg McKenzie and Jeff Bampton.

On carnival days Daryle Rigney will be the Team Manager for the U14/15 age groups.

Please feel free to chat to any member of our committee should you have any questions/require any information.

Senior training camp

We have boooked in the Chiton Rocks SLSC for a senior training camp which is open to all season 15/16 U14s and above, for the weekend of Fri 30th Oct-Sun 1st Nov.

Cost is $22 per person per night, we have received a discount because all qualified attendees will be doing Chiton’s patrol on the Saturday.

All food will be organised for the attendees, which will come at a further cost which will be circulated closer to the event (after the shop is done).


Karin Humphrey needs DEFINITE numbers ASAP so the booking can be confirmed. Sleeping arangements are a large dorm, so everyone will need to bring their own sleeping bags and pillows.


As our new U14s will not yet have their SRC we will require sufficient water cover to allow them to get the most out of there surf experience.

Let’s get this season underway with a camp that has been so successful at team bonding and developing new surf skills.


Karin Humphrey


Ladies! It’s your time to shine

dl_invitation_template-image-003Ladies it is your time to shine. Surf Life Saving SA has introduced their #surfsisterslevelup social media campaign. This campaign is designed encourage and motivate SA women to get involved or enrich their experience in Surf Lifesaving and take it to the next level.

Anyone can level up and you can choose to level up in any way that suits you.

For example; A Nipper Mum might want to do her Bronze Medallion, a Beachie might want to have a crack at rowing boats, you might do the next level up in your first aid training or put your hand up for a leadership role at your club or decide to start your journey as a coach or an official.
click on the links below for some inspiration and opportunities to level up this season!

Seta Bacher is planning to get her Bronze this summer

Seta Bacher is planning to get her Bronze this summer


Club swimming

Sorry for the late notice but we are having issues with surf guard so can’t get messages out.

Club swimming times will change as of tonight,

Nippers will start again tonight from 7pm-8pm for all 2014/2015 nippers

Seniors will swim from 7:30pm-8:30pm

Swimming is at the Lefevre Swim centre on Victoria Rd as per usual. Please spread the work to make sure everyone gets it

Wave Warriors 2015

The Wave Warriors junior event is on again this coming season, and is open to U9-U15 age groups. Wave warriors is considered to be one of the most enjoyable events on the Surf Life Saving calendar, so not one to be missed! Make sure you keep the 5th of December clear!

Wave warriors is excited to announce that this year, there will be the Medibank Ocean Swim Run, which runs the morning before the event. This community fitness event is open to everyone (not just surf life savers).

Looking for more information or how to enter? click on the link below and have a look at their website

2015/2016 Nipper Season opener

The start of the 2015/2016 nipper season is not far away, if you have thought about joining our program or are looking forward to coming back mark the 10th of October in your calendar.


Look forward to seeing you all there

Calling All Boaties…

Calling all club members who are interested in Rowing Surf Boats this season coming 2015/2016 there will be a meeting at the Surf Club on Sunday 19th of July at 3.00 pm  things to discuss are:


Aussies (Sunshine coast Qld)

Training times

Boat times (when people can actually get in a boat)

Boat maintenance


Facebook page

Hopefully if possible I will try to get a sausage sizzle going on the afternoon so we have a good chat about the coming season, and to follow on from such a good year last year.


Steve Sims,

Boat Captain

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Pool Rescue State Championships – training

We are very keen to have a large crew of competitors (individuals and teams) compete at this years Pool Rescue State Champs.

As a result we have organised two training sessions in order to show all of those that are keen (or seriously thinking about being keen) what the events are all about and how much fun these Champs are!

These trainings are to be held at The Parks Recreation and Sports Centre 48 Cowan Street Angle Park on Saturday 13th June and Saturday 20th June from 12-2pm and will be coached by Sean McKenzie and Trent Bampton.

The Club has paid for the lane hire for both sessions with those coming along to train only having to pay pool entry ($4.80 for students, $6 for adults).

We are really hoping for a great turnout for this, the last event, for the 2014/15 season!