2023 Adelaide Fringe @ SemaphoreSLSC

We are putting a call out for all members interested in forming a committee to look into setting up Semaphore SLSC as a 2023 Fringe Venue, and then following to book and run mid week fringe events at the club.  The BOM is happy to move forward with this if there are people prepared to undertake the work.

At this stage we are simply seeking members who are interested in starting up this committee, Kat (our Bar Manager) has expressed interest in being on the committee, but is not going to be able to run this on her own.  Ideally the committee would need to meet in the next 1-2 weeks to enable for the club to get registered in time to then start arranging contracted show/s and then get them registered as events in time.

The following link provides information on the process, including a copy of the presentation they held a week ago for interested venues / artists.

AVR – Adelaide Fringe

If your interested please email registrar@semaphoreslsc.com.au