A reminder to check your contact details are up to date

Don’t miss important messages and e-mails about patrols, members draws and club information. Please take a minute to check that your contacts details (mobile and e-mail) are up-to-date. This is particularly important for those new to seniors who may have originally listed their parents details and would now like to receive notifications directly.

Please go to: https://members.sls.com.au/SLSA_Online/modules/login/index.php

Login and select Memberships> Update Personal Details

Thank you

Jet ski for Semaphore

A new addition to our Rescue Ready Facility with SLSSA now using this location as part of their Emergency Operation Group (EOG). This will also allow a closer partnership with Police Water Operations who are located down by the Semaphore jetty.

Thanks to Neil Bisset for making this happen, it allows us to increase our rescue capability and gives our members more skills to add to their repertoire.

Semaphore SLSC stay at home TikTok challenge!

Pass the time and get your creative skills on.

We would love to see your best TikTok in Semaphore colours. Please e-mail to media@semaphoreslsc.com.au and we will select some for upcoming newsletters.

Here is one from last season to start us off. Don’t forget social distancing 🙂

Planning a function once restrictions are lifted?

The health and safety of our patrons, members and the broader community is our highest priority and so we are shut for the moment, but we will be here for your next function as soon as it is safe to do so.

If you would like to spend some spare time while in isolation planning an upcoming wedding, party or corporate event, please visit our functions page on our website https://semaphoreslsc.com.au/functions/

Anzac Day

Anzac Day is one of our nation’s most significant days as we honour veterans who fought to keep us safe.

While we cannot celebrate as usual this year we would like to take a moment today to thank and remember all veterans and their families, many of whom were and continue to be members of our surf life saving community.

Lest we forget.

SLSSA board elections postponed

To maintain continuity in the current uncertain times and with the support of Club Presidents, SLSSA has postponed its Board elections until its November AGM. They were to be held in May.

Any member interested in nominating for a Board Directors role this year does not need to nominate now, further information will be sent closer to the November AGM to seek nominees. Thank you.

Community spirit

Thanks to the Semaphore SLSC for showing true community spirit by dropping off some care packs to some of our senior club members.

Stay safe and look out for each other.

Coronavirus update – Semaphore SLSC

Due to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation all club activities have been cancelled until further notice. This includes the bar, bistro, gym and all training sessions.

The Board of Management would like to thank everyone for their support and wishes everyone well during this unprecedented time.

Bunnings fundraising BBQ cancelled

Please note that the Bunnings BBQ scheduled for the 23rd March and future BBQs have been cancelled until further notice.

Thank you to everyone who offered assistance.

States Day 2 & 3 -CANCELLED

Surf Life Saving South Australia have now advised that Day 2 & 3 of the State Championships scheduled for the following weekends (21st and 22nd March – Juniors and 28th and 29th March – Seniors) has also been cancelled.

More details regarding this update are available on the SSLSA website HERE

Planning is underway for a club event next Saturday 21st March. It is in the early planning stages but please keep the day free. More info to follow.

SLSSA have also advised an update regarding Aussies will be released SLSA later tonight.