Flood assistance thanks to Rhys Krauter!

Recently, fellow club member Rhys Krauter volunteered to assist those affected by the floods.

Rhys write of his recent experience:

“We were attending water locked properties and house boats on behalf of SAPOL and SES to gather data on how many residents are still at their properties and what their plans were should the levels continue to rise. You would be surprised the number of people who are still at their properties and the back up plans they have in place. We also assisted in re-securing a couple of houseboats (including a couple in their 80s) as their existing moorings were now underwater.

It was an awesome experience and recommend anyone else in the club to put their hands up if there is another opportunity.

Ps the water at the Morgan marker rose by 40cm in 48hours!”

Attached are some photos from the flood deployment across Wongulla, Nildottie, Morgan and Renmark that show the speed of the current and high how the water is.

Thank you Rhys and fellow volunteers for your service to the community in need!

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