Calling All Boaties…

Calling all club members who are interested in Rowing Surf Boats this season coming 2015/2016 there will be a meeting at the Surf Club on Sunday 19th of July at 3.00 pm  things to discuss are:


Aussies (Sunshine coast Qld)

Training times

Boat times (when people can actually get in a boat)

Boat maintenance


Facebook page

Hopefully if possible I will try to get a sausage sizzle going on the afternoon so we have a good chat about the coming season, and to follow on from such a good year last year.


Steve Sims,

Boat Captain

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Pool Rescue State Championships – training

We are very keen to have a large crew of competitors (individuals and teams) compete at this years Pool Rescue State Champs.

As a result we have organised two training sessions in order to show all of those that are keen (or seriously thinking about being keen) what the events are all about and how much fun these Champs are!

These trainings are to be held at The Parks Recreation and Sports Centre 48 Cowan Street Angle Park on Saturday 13th June and Saturday 20th June from 12-2pm and will be coached by Sean McKenzie and Trent Bampton.

The Club has paid for the lane hire for both sessions with those coming along to train only having to pay pool entry ($4.80 for students, $6 for adults).

We are really hoping for a great turnout for this, the last event, for the 2014/15 season!

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Pool Rescue State Championships

Nominations for the 2015 Pool Rescue State Championships are now open!

This event is to be held on Saturday 27th June (approx 1-5pm) and Sunday 28th June (approx 9am-3pm) at the South Australian Aquatic and Leisure Centre, 443 Morphett Road Oaklands Park.

Events in these championships are open to competitors in U12s and above (age group as per the 2014/15 season).

Please see attached circular for further information and list of events. C15041 2015 Pool Rescue State Champ Nominations and Information

For all those wishing to compete please email Kerry Schulz at with your name, age group and events you wish to compete in by 5pm Tues 16th June.


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Surf Kayak Program – West Lakes Canoe Club

Semaphore SLSC has been very fortunate to be invited to participate in a Surf Kayak Program over winter.

West Lakes Canoe Club has announced a new initiative to assist the development of surf athletes.  The skills and knowledge gained in this program are not only  directly transferrable to surf ski paddling but provide ideal overall fitness preparation for the 2015/16 season.

The West Lakes Canoe Club has a large fleet of kayaks available for use that are suitable for beginners through to experienced paddlers.

The program on offer is to commence on Monday 1st June and run for a 12 week period.  Training will consist of three paddling sessions – Monday, Wednesday and Sunday (times to be confirmed) with gym sessions after paddling on both Monday and Wednesday.

The cost for the full 12 weeks (regardless of the number of sessions attended) is $100.00 per person which is a small contribution towards membership and coaching costs.

Semaphore is inviting all those in U13s (for the 2015/16 season) and above to participate in this program.

All those wishing to participate are to email Karin Humphrey (Senior Competiton Officer) at by Sunday 24th May with name/s and age group/s for the upcoming season.


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Club Subsidised Equipment

Expressions of interest are now being sought from Senior (U15 and above) competing members who would like to be considered for subsidised equipment as per the attached Equipment Subsidy Policy (see below).

Applications will only be accepted from members that meet all of the criteria outlined in the policy.

A maximum of four craft (board/ski) will be allocated with the final number of each craft determined by the Board of Management. This decision will be based on the number of applications received and the financial position of the club at the time of application endorsement.

To be considered please complete the application form contained in the Equipment Subsidy Policy and forward to Karin Humphrey (Senior Competition Officer) at by 5pm Friday 29th May 2015.

Any questions can be asked of Karin via email.

All applications will be taken to the next meeting of the Board of Management (15th June 2015) for consideration.

Successful applicants will be notified by 3rd July 2015 with equipment purchase to occur as soon as possible after this date (full 60% member payment required before craft will be ordered as per policy).

Equipment Policy

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Pool Rescue State Championships – Save the Date!

The 2015 Pool Rescue State Championships are to be held on Saturday 27th June (approx 1.00-4.30pm) and Sunday 28th June (approx 9am-3pm) at the State Aquatic Centre, 443 Morphett Road Oaklands Park.

Events in these championships are open to competitors in U12s and above (age group as per the 2014/15 season).

Event and entry details coming soon.

Specific training sessions for these events will be scheduled in the coming weeks.



Senior State Champs Wrap-Up

Wow – what a huge three days the Senior Competition Group have had!  With day one of States held at Pt Noarlunga on Sunday 15th March and days 2 and 3 held at Southport on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of March we are all a little tired and ready for a short break before winter training begins in a few weeks.

We achieved some awesome results – making finals in numerous events, achieving top 6 finishes (giving the club points) on 16 occasions and winning 6 medals (3 Bronze, 2 Silver and 1 Gold).

Thanks firstly to the small but extremely dedicated crew who participated in numerous events over the three days. It is amazing to see such a close and supportive bunch of people work together for our club.

Thanks must also go to the following: –

  • all of the parents/families and other supporters that came down – it was great to hear Semaphore being loudly cheered on.
  • Trent Bampton, Steve Harris and Tina Williams who were our additional handlers for the belt races on day 1.  Special thanks to Tina who stepped in at the last minute to help us when we realised we were one handler short when two competitors from one age group made the final!
  • our officials and water cover for their attendance at all our carnivals throughout the year. Huge thanks to Raelene Donnell for coordinating the officials and making sure that the numbers we were required to provide were met (and often exceeded).
  • Kerry Schulz for her tireless effort throughout the year, especially in regards to ensuring nominations for every carnival, including states were entered for Juniors, Seniors, Masters and Boats – a massive job!
  • Ailsa Bisset for taking some great and memorable photos throughout the season.
  • Greg McKenzie, Craig Lienert and Neil Bisset for assisting with towing trailers – either to carnivals and/or coast training sessions, training camps etc.  Extra thanks to Greg who was often Assistant Team Manager.
  • Our coaches – Jeff Bampton – beach, Trent Bampton – swim, Laurence Fletcher – skis and Nick Penny – boards.  These volunteer roles take up considerable time – your effort to ensure our competitors had consistent and regualr training is much appreciated.
  • Sean McKenzie – for absolutley EVERYTHING!  Sean is the true representation of a clubbie, dedicating so much of his time to all of the senior group and the club in general.  We are very lucky to have him as part of Semaphore SLSC.

The aim of the Senior Competition Group this season was to finish in the top 10.  Provisional results see us in 9th place and only a handful of points away from 8th.  This is an awesome effort by the Seniors, Masters and Boaties and something to be very proud of.

This goes to show that this group is improving every year so just watch this space next season!!!!


Masters State Championships

Masters State Championships were held at Christies Beach on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th March.

We had a small but dedicated crew of four compete on the Saturday – Steve Harris, Heather Eckert, Paul Johnston and Tina Williams.

Thanks to Tina who took on the role of Team Manager for the day.

The awesome results are as follows: –

Steve Harris – 6th ski, 6th boards, 7th swim, BRONZE flags, BRONZE sprints, GOLD 2k run

Heather Eckert – 4th ski, 12th boards, 9th swim, 7th tube swim, 6th flags, 8th sprints, 8th 2k run

Paul Johnston – 8th ski, 9th boards, 8th ironperson, 7th sprints, 6th 2k run

Tina Williams – 8th boards, 5th swim, 6th tube swim

Thanks to Vicki Harris who took some great photos (see below) on the day.

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Masters State Titles Rowing, Aldinga Feb 2015

Masters State Titles Rowing
Aldinga Beach 
Saturday 28/02/2015

We had 5 crews go down to Aldinga to compete with some good results which follow:

( with the age brackets the age of the rowers only are taken in to consideration)

120 years Men (Paul Johnson, Marty Davidson, Bob Tunney, Dale Welsh and Michael Sims-sweep) did really well and came away with a GOLD Medal well done lads.

140 years Women (Kirsty Low, Tracey Clee, Louise Hoendervanger, Donna Giannetta and Aaron Low-sweep) after a really good first year at rowing these ladies put in a magnificent effort on the day just with a little bad luck they were unable to make the final but they are very keen to carry on again next season well done girls.

140 years Men (Les Loehr, Paul Johnson, Michael Sims, Michael Bartlett and Marty Davidson-sweep) as with the ladies these lads were very stiff not to make the final finishing 5th in there heat and not making the final.

160 Men, the WACCO crew as they are named (Craig Lienert, Craig Andrews, Aaron Low, Owen Richards and Steve Weir-sweep) had a good first round getting through to the final which was pleasing. They have rowed well all year and in the final came home with a BRONZE medal well done lads.

200 years Men (Michael Sims-sweep, Michael Kenny, Chris Main, Steve Weir and Richard Martin) these guys despite their age put in a good effort in their heat to get in to the Final and after a very tight finish came home with a BRONZE medal also a job well done.

Thanks to all the competitors for coming down and also to Aaron Low for always making his vehicle available for towing boats.
A big thank you to Steve Weir for organising the Veteran area, to Geoff Cole as Official and to Neil BIsset and Ian Robbins for doing the Duck work.

We know the focus is on the Senior State Titles coming up at the end of the month and we should have 6 Crews competing. Hopefully we can bring home more bacon.

Steve Sims

Boat Captain

Editors note: A special thanks goes to Steve Sims for keeping the boats happening and putting Semaphore back on the map in the boat arena. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Port Fairy

On Friday 27th February a crew of 10 competitors and 7 supporters made the long journey down to Port Fairy in Victoria to compete in the town’s local surf carnival which was held on the Saturday afternoon and the Sunday morning.

We had an amazing time, enjoying the competition and the comaraderie a weekend like this can bring. The Vics definitely know how to run a carnival with 30 events held in 4hrs!  The results of the competitors efforts plus some photos of our weekend can be seen below.

A big shout out to Craig Lienert who donated the $500 he was awarded for being last season’s Rotary Award winner (most valued male clubbie) towards the trip which covered the competitor’s accommodation cost.  A very generous gift indeed!

Thanks also to Greg McKenzie who towed our very full trailer the 8hrs each way!

It was awesome to see everyone in the group work together to make this a successful weekend.  This is definitely something that we will consider as an annual event each season.

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26


Event Age Group Name Heat Final
Board U15 male Sam Squeo 7th 9th
U17 male Danny Humphrey 9th
Nic Schulz 2nd 14th
U19 female Paige Purdie 5th
Open female Rikki Toner 20th
Open male Sean McKenzie 5th 8th
Nick Penny 10th
Swim U17 female Bryana Bisset 10th
U17 male Danny Humphrey 7th
Nic Schulz 6th
U19/Open female Paige Purdie 7th
Rikki Toner 8th
Ski U17/19 female Bryana Bisset 5th
U17 male Danny Humphrey 7th
Nic Schulz 10th
Open male Sean McKenzie 8th 15th
Nick Penny 12th
Iron U15 male Sam Squeo 7th
Open male Sean Mckenzie 5th
Nick Penny 10th
Double Ski Open mixed Bryana Bisset

Sean McKenzie

Open Male Sean Mckenzie

Nick Penny

Board Rescue U17 male Danny Humphrey

Nic Schulz

U19 female Shannon Harris

Paige Purdie

Open female Bryana Bisset

Rikki Toner

Open male Sean McKenzie

Nick Penny



Event Age Group Name Heat Final
Board U15 female Zoe Schulz 12th
U15 male Sam Squeo 8th
U17 male Danny Humphrey 9th
Nic Schulz 5th 13th
Open male Sean McKenzie 11th
Swim U15 male Sam Squeo 9th
U17 male Danny Humphrey 8th
Nic Schulz 5th
Ski U17 female Bryana Bisset 7th
U17 male Danny Humphrey 11th
Nic Schulz 7th
Iron U15 male Sam Squeo 8th
Double Ski Open Male Sean Mckenzie

Nick Penny

Ski Relay Open male Sean McKenzie

Nick Penny

Danny Humphrey

Board Relay U15 male Same Squeo

(composite team)

Open female Rikki Toner

Paige Purdie

Shannon Harris

Open Male Sean Mckenzie

Nick Penny

Nic Schulz

Taplin U19 female Bryana Bisset

Paige Purdie

Shannon Harris

Open male Danny Humphrey

Sean McKenzie

Nick Penny
