School Holiday Training Opportunities

A reminder from Surf Life Saving SA that it is facilitating a Bronze and SRC course in the upcoming October school holidays.  For more more information on the Bronze Course click here. Get some more details on the SRC course here.

Get involved in the Club.  It’s a great way to stay healthy!


Training opportunities for 2017-2018

The Semaphore SLSC aims to give it’s members every opportunity to be actively involved and this includes through the extensive training program for 2017-2018.  Ever thought about becoming a Patrol member?  Perhaps you’d like to complete your First Aid certificate.  Click here to find out more.


Season 2017/18 Training Opportunities

Timed Swim: Largs Bay Swim Centre, Victoria Road – Wednesday 13 September 8pm
Senior First Aid: Required prior to

SRC/Bronze Training & Welcome First Aiders on Patrol

Saturday 2 September: 9am til 5pm at Semaphore Surf Club Book online at: or phone State Centre 8354 6900 to book. If this date does not work please book into a public course with Surf Life Saving SA.

SRC Course/Top Up from SRC to Bronze Only
October school holidays – 29 Sept until 16 October
Likely to be over the 2 weeks with assessment 2 weekends after the holidays but will finalise once confirm availability of trainer. This will be a 4 day course for new SRC’s making it 5 days with First Aid and Top up Bronze participants need to attend 3 days. Those getting Bronze have additional option of adding the ARTC course by attending the dates below.

Bronze Course
Please note that from the start of Patrols there will be 2 set patrols that have First Aid only and SRC Patrol members will be linked with. All Training will occur on these patrols so please ensure that if you or your child wants to undertake SRC or Bronze training that you are linked to one of these patrols. It is important that those aiming for their award attend these sessions to ensure that we can make their journey to SRC or Bronze as fluid as possible.

ARTC: 14 & 15 October: 10am until 5pm – Will be signed in with Patrol including your proficiency – Register interest so that you can be sent link for the workbook which must be completed. Pre-assessment date to be organised. Assessment Monday 30 October – 6:30pm at Semaphore

Proficiencies & ATV Drivers Course
Please note as with this year all proficiencies and ATV Drivers courses will be completed during Patrol Times and that there is an expectation on members that if they are not linked to a Patrol or not able to attend on the date of the proficiency that they attend another set date.

Please email Jennie Charlton
if interested in undertaking these trainings or have interest in IRB Crew or Driver, Spinal, Pain Management or interested in becoming a Trainer or Assessor and have or would like to gain your Certificate 4 Training and Assessment.

Mental Health First Aid for Clubs- Introductory Offer

Recently SLSSA added Mental Health First Aid to its suite of delivered courses.

The course is designed for participants to learn skills and gain confidence to assist fellow members, the public. family and co-workers experiencing mental health problems. Mental Health First Aid is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until the appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.

Although there is not a Surf Award attached to this training it gives participants a useful and relevant extension to their current First Aid skills and knowledge.

The 12 hour course is provided by private providers for $250 however SLSSA is pleased to advertise an Introductory offer of $50 for members and $100 for non-members. ( $80 Members / $130 Non- members after July 30) This includes a Mental Health First Aid Manual and certification by Mental Health First Aid Australia.

Course Dates:
8th – 9th July 9am – 3pm each day
15th – 16th July 9am – 3pm each day

Venue: Surf Life Saving SA
2 Barcoo Road

For any queries please contact Gareth Morgan ( or 8354 6900


4 members announced in Surf Sport Youth Performance Academy Program

The Surf Sport Youth Performance Academy Program has been developed to help develop and grow youth athletes in SA.

The Academy now primarily focuses on Athletes from the following age categories, Under 14, Under 15 and first year Under 17. The content delivered by both Flinders University and Surf Life Saving SA through this process is tailored to the new age groups and we will be encouraging coaches and to participate in the sessions. Surf Life Saving SA are extremely excited to announce the four coaches/mentors that will deliver the ocean/beach sessions and also assist with forming the final structure of the Academy. These Coaches/mentors have been recognised for their ongoing commitment to Surf Sports in SA.

Head Coach Sean McKenzie – Semaphore SLSC
Under 17 – Connor Tunbridge
Under 14 – Teagan Richards
Under 14 – Ella Andrews
Under 14 – Will Larven

We congratulate all our club members on being selected in to the Academy.

Senior Competition Training

Senior training has begun for the season and we would love to see all our seniors out, whether you are competitive or just training for fitness.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
AM             8am


Club (Location will change weekly)


PM 5pm






West Lakes Canoe Club




Adjacent West Lakes Canoe Club



West Lakes Canoe Club


Board training

Tiranna Drive

(the lake)


Club swimming

Largs Bay Swim Centre $4



  • Please meet at kayaking at 4:30 or as close to as possible. Unfortunately, I cannot make this session any later since we will be working in with the kayaking club. More sessions will be introduced ASAP
  • Sunday training will change often depending on weather and availability.
  • If you require a club board please meet at the club at 4:45pm, if you have a board at home please meet at the location at 5:15 ready for a 5:30pm start. If you can not make it to the club at 4:45 but still want to train, please let Sean McKenzie know (0428953000) and a board can be loaded for you.
  • Please be aware some training’s may be cancelled or postponed due to weather.
  • Everyone will be required to be wearing high visibility tops and lights on their boards
  • The most up to date information about location or cancelling of training’s will be posted in the senior competition Facebook group.

Pool Lifesaving 2017

The South Australian Pool Lifesaving championships are coming up quickly on the 24th and 25th June. Club training for this will begin on Wednesday 14th June at the Largs Bay Swim Centre (time TBA).

Entries for this event close on Wednesday 14th June at 5pm, anyone that is wishing to do this event has to let Kerry know by Tuesday 13th June so she has time to enter and process everyone. Events are run from U12-masters with your age group based off of last seasons age groups.

Cost is $48, which is not part of you competition levy from last season, competitors will be invoiced by the club after entries close.

Pool lifesaving Australian titles are also in Adelaide in early August and we would love to have a team entered, last time the event came to Adelaide we had a lot of success, especially from our youth age groups.

Please see attached circular listing events and more information, please get in contact with Sean McKenzie if you have any questions

Pool Rescue States Nominations


Tickets now available for ASRL SA 2017 Awards Night at Semaphore SLSC

Semaphore Surf Life Saving Club is proud to be hosting the ASRL SA 2017 Awards Night.


Sat 27th May, 2017
Semaphore Surf Life Saving Club
6:30pm for 7:00pm start$45pp (not inclusive of alcohol)
$5 Drink specials
(Beer, Wine, Cider, Champagne)
Gourmet Cocktail Food includedDress to impress:  Cocktail Attire
Semaphore Surf Life Saving Club
Point Malcolm Reserve
Semaphore Park, South Australia 5019

Tickets can be purchased online from Trybooking.


Looking to form R and R teams for 2018 Aussies

Club Vice President Mark Donnell has been officiating at Aussies and he’s inspired!

I am looking for any bronze members that are interested in learning R&R, no previous experience necessary. Looking to coach a 5 person, 6 person and mixed team to compete at Aussies next year. My experience: zero in coaching r&r, officiating at Aussies finals last two years, been around it all my life. Parents welcome, u17 welcome, u19 welcome

Expressions of interest can be sent to Mark via email. 

Juniors Weekly Report – a final word from our hard working Convenor

Thanks to

Hi Everyone,


Congratulations on finishing equal third with Brighton at State Titles for the Juniors and well done to everyone who was part of our junior program this season. A full copy of the results are available via this link:



Well, what a State Titles it was!  The weekend would have not been possible without the countless hours of work from our volunteers including the working party on the beach, volunteers on the food stall and BBQ, Water Cover on the beach, officials, parents and kids. To all our age group leaders and assistants thank you for a great season.


Leading in to the weekend a number of our members had taken time off work to make this possible.  Special thanks to Lorren Atwell and everyone who worked on the BBQ and food stall, Dave McGrath “Doggsy” and Jay Atwell for organising the container and generator.


Steve Sims and the entire working party who worked all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Without the work they did the carnival would not have happened. Carnival officials made comment that when the carnival is at Semaphore they know that the working party deliver every time without fail. So thank you again.


Thank you to Symons and Clark and Kerry Logistics, Neil Bisset and Metricon for their supply of the portable toilets and attire for the working party.  Thank you Semaphore Bakehouse for the pies, pasties, sausage rolls and donuts. Thank you to the Purdie family.


It has been an exciting and at times challenging season and now it comes to an end. I would like to thank and congratulate our 164 participants across all age groups this season.


I would like to take the opportunity to thank Doggsy and Leanne for co-ordinating our Saturday water cover and all the water cover personnel who gave up their time to take care of us in the water.


We also need to thank our Media personnel, Steph, & Claire and the people behind the scene Kate & Rhys for sending out our weekly newsletter.  I would also like to thank our uniform shop team headed up by Mardi Lienert each weekend.


We also need to thank Lorren Atwell and her canteen helpers each weekend – Wendy, Catherine & Heather for co-ordinating the canteen being open at the start and end of training and all the parents who assisted in the canteen.  Thank you to Sean Kenny for setting up the beach and our senior members who have come out to lend a hand this year with the juniors, including Paige, Luke, Jack, Zac, Myia, Cooper, Josh, Bianca, Zoe, Lindsay, Sam and Sean McKenzie –  thank you.


I would also like to thank our Friday night board training water cover  Andrew, Craig , Craig, Kate, Brenton, Megan, Tracey Michelle, Michelle, Owen, Mick and Paul and if I missed anyone thank you.


Thanks to Ian Biggs and Brad Tunbridge for taking care of our pool swimming on a Wednesday night.  To my assistant Bruce Moseley thank you for your support throughout the year.


On behalf of all age groups we would like to thank Kerry Schulz not only for ordering our uniforms, but ensuring all competitors from all age groups have been entered in the competition entry system so they could participate in the recent state titles. Also thank you to Raelene Donnell for co-ordinating our correct quota of officials at each carnival, organising R&R teams that performed so well, along with the coaches, Freaky, Tony and Celeste and special mention to Gus Wickman who coached Will and Willis but sadly passed away last month- your efforts are greatly appreciated. Brooke and Kelly Jones for coaching our March Past Teams throughout the season thank you and well done.

On a personal note I would like to thank my family for their support over the last three seasons whilst I have been junior convenor and without their understanding this would not be possible.


Congratulations and well done to everyone!

