End of Season Working Bee

10am-12am Sat April 2nd

The club is looking for volunteers to come help clean-up downstairs at the club in preparation for the off season.

Stay round for a sausage sizzle and drink afterwards.

If you think you can help, please send a message to Brad Clee 0475 075 822 to assist with catering.

R&R Training Resumes

All R&R Training will resume from this weekend.

5 Person R&R Training will recommence on Friday afternoons from 11th February after Board Training.

Under 12 and 13 – 2 person R&R Training will recommence on Saturday mornings from 12th February at 9:30am to 10:30am

Under 10 and 11 – 2 person R&R Training will recommence on Saturday mornings from 12th February at 10:15am to 11:00am.

This Week – Opening Hours

The Bistro is open Thursday and Friday and we are back serving our full menu accompanied with off menu chef selections. With the Members Draw back and capacity increased to 50% why not book a table.

Don’t forget members receive 10% discount on meals and drinks.
Please call 8449 8088 to book a table.

Opening hours

Thursday 3 February
Bar open from 5pm with the bistro serving meals between 6pm and 8pm
Member’s Draw approx 6:45pm
Friday 4 February
Bar open from 5pm with the bistro serving meals between 6pm and 8pm
Saturday 5 February
Open from 9am for breakfast. Coffees available from the bar.
Canteen open before and after training.
Full bar service available from 1pm.
PRIVATE FUNCTION 6:30pm onward
Sunday 6 February
Bar open from 4pm – 8pm

New Nipper Boards From West Lakes Rotary

Special thanks to our friends at West Lakes Rotary, their continuing support and generosity has seen us receive 2 new Fiberglass Bennett Nipper Boards valued at $2500 this support is over and above their sponsorship for the our Club Rotary Awards and ongoing volunteer support to our Club.

The boards look fantastic and will serve our Nippers well for many, many years to come.

West Lakes Rotary President Andrew De Garis and Representative Ken Purcell, who secured the grant, presented the boards to us on Saturday 29th January.

Canteen this Saturday – Gregg’s Back!!!

After a short but sweet absence Gregg returns this Saturday 22 Jan from 9am with his magnificent breakfast, lunch and post training offerings, see the menus below for details.



Post Training

This Saturday looks like it is going to be beautiful – a perfect day for hot coffee and brekkie on the balcony.

Canteen this Saturday, 15th January 2022

With the absence of our illustrious Canteen Manager Gregg the Club President (Paul) will be manning the kitchen before training this week with a modified light snack menu.

Open from 10:30 am for Toasted Sandwiches, Cold Rolls, and a Presidential specialty Flat Dogs (thats a hot dog made in a sandwich press). If you’ve ever been to Pt Adelaide Baseball Club you’ll know what I mean.

After training there will be a gold coin donation sausage sizzle, and Nippers will also get a Zooper Dooper.

Gregg will be back with his famous club breakfast menu next Saturday (22nd Jan)