Juniors Weekly Report

Hi Everyone

We are pleased to announce that our new boards have arrived courtesy of our sponsorship with Westfield Westlakes. Ten new boards have been delivered and will be available for carnival use for the Under 9’s and Under 10’s. We will give the kids an opportunity to use them prior to the first carnival on November 20th. Congratulations to those who completed part of their proficiencies last weekend and we hope to cover more off this weekend, as a reminder each participant must complete to proficiency swims on two different days.


This week:-

Wednesday 2/11 – Junior Pool Swimming

Largs Bay Swim Centre Victoria Road Largs Bay 7-8pm Cost $4.00 This is open to proficient members from last season.

This will include new members and Under 9’s once they complete their proficiency assessment. A reminder a parent must be present whilst your child swims


Friday 4/11 – Junior Board Training

Board Training for Under 10- 13 4.45pm-6.00pm at the club. This is open to proficient members from last season.

This will include new members and Under 9’s once they complete their proficiency assessment. A reminder a parent must be present whilst your child trains


Saturday 5/11 – Junior Training

March Past Training starts at 12 noon

Start 12.45 pm on the lawn, for come and try please ensure you register upstairs and receive you top and cap prior to training commencing.

At the conclusion of training we will be having a BBQ and we need some assistance from the Under 8 parents with the BBQ.

We will again be raffling a meat tray and a Westfield voucher so please buy a ticket if you can.


Don’t forget the following dates coming up in the calendar

Sunday 13 November – Making Ginger Bread People

Saturday 19 November  – Being Part of our Float at the Port Pageant

Sunday 20 November  – First Junior Carnival Somerton – Dinner and presentation back at the club after the carnival


As a result of the new boards arriving we will have a small number of second hand foam boards for sale on a first come basis on Saturday morning.

With our new boards now at the club please do not store personal boards at the club as the racks available are for club craft only, personal craft are not covered by the club insurance so any loss or damage to craft is not covered by the club.


Thank you

Pat Larven


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