senior states day 2 and 3 update

Please see attachments below regarding this weekend. These include marshaling lists for all events. Please don’t be panicked by the number of entries in each event, most clubs just enter everyone in everything. Also as per usual, all teams are not final, we may make changes on the day due to a number of situations. Marshaling will open from 7am in the club rooms, which will have to be done by all competitors, not team managers, or one person marshaling for a bunch of people.

Events are scheduled to kick off from 8am, so we will need everyone on the beach by 7am, to ensure we have enough time to marshall and warm up.

Also attached is the overall point score where we currently sit in 9th place, but not far behind a bunch of teams.

The other attachments include the final circular and programs for day two and 3.

Meals will be available from 5:30pm on Sunday and we do ask if people could book, to give our kitchen an idea of how many are coming. We will aim to start presentations around 7:30pm


Final Marshal Senior States Day 2 3

2016 Senior State Titles Day2

overall points score

C16004 Senior State Champs

2016 Senior State Titles Day 3(1)

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Senior State Champs – Days 2 and 3

Well it’s here – the final two days of competition for the 2015/16 season!

Days 2 and 3 of Senior States will be held at South Port on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March.

We are still waiting for the final circular to be released with the program of events and times to be on the beach. Once this information is made available it will be communicated via the Facebook pages so please keep an eye on these.

We do know that Saturday will be a BIG and LONG day so please be prepared for this.

Trailer loading will be on Friday night at approximately 6pm (after our last training session). If you can please be available at this time to load the craft you require for the weekend that would be great.

We will be having meals back at the club on Sunday night from 5.30pm with our great ‘After Carnival’ menu available ($10 per adult, $7 per child).
Presentations where we will acknowledge our successes and thank our supporters will follow.
The club will have an extended licence for this night so we can celebrate the season that was!

Senior Club Champs 2016

Senior Club Champs was held in the morning of Saturday 20th February.
We had a great morning with 30 competitors all ‘fighting’ for the crown!!

A HUGE thanks to all of those that were at the club bright and early to set up allowing the events to get underway right on schedule at 8.30am.
A special mention to Sean Kenny who manned the IRB for the morning (and yes his services were required once or twice!).

Well done to all that competed. Below are the runners up and Club Champs for 2016:

U14 Female – 1st Maiye Rigney 2nd Lindsey Ould
U14 Male – 1st Connor Tunbridge 2nd Oscar Mitchell
U15 Female – 1st Zoe Schulz
U15 Male – 1st Josh Larven
U17 Male – 1st Nic Schulz 2nd Danny Humphrey
U19 Female – 1st Shannon Harris
U19 Male – 1st Luke Zille 2nd Ben Main
Open Female – 1st Paige Purdie
Open Male – 1st Sean McKenzie
2nd Rhys Krauter
Masters Female – 1st Kirsty Low 2nd Donna Giannetta
Masters Male – 1st Aaron Low 2nd Anthony Keane
























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2016 Senior State Championships – Day 1

Day 1 of Senior States is to be held on Sunday 6th March at Port Noarlunga SLSC.

Events to be conducted are:
* board rescue
* surf belt races
* rescue tube rescue
* rescue tube race
These events will be conducted down to and including the final pending numbers and conditions.

The following events will be conducted down to the numbers indicated again pending conditions and entries on the day:
* U14 & U15 flags – down to 16
* U14 & U15 iron person – down to 16
* U15 Cameron – to final (pending numbers)

Nominations for these events to be sent to Kerry Schulz at by 5pm Wed 24th February.

Club Champs

Just a reminder that this Saturday is club champs for the whole club. Seniors please be at the club at 7:30am for a 8:30 start, there is lots to set up!

If you haven’t completed your 1km time trial (U19s up) your remaining chances are Wednesday night 5-6pm and Friday night 5-6pm, please see Aaron Lowe


Nippers will start at normal time, events include; swim, board, beach sprint, flags, wade and marathon iron person.


Look forward to seeing everyone there

Aussies fundraiser

Thanks to all who supported our Aussie fund raising afternoon.
It was highly successful and a lot of fun.
Thanks also to those who donated to the auction and raffles.Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0001 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0009 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0026 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0031 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0045 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0046

Boaties Corner

Masters State Titles


What an exciting weekend for the Masters Rowers with the State carnival held on Saturday at Aldinga Beach. A reasonably calm day with a little bubble from the gate can to shore.  Semaphore had six teams in with Excellent results.  Thanks again to Simsy for directing us on the beach and keeping us heading in the right direction, and organising team Shirts from EzyFit, our major sponsor in the boats section.


The AngryBirds (F 160+ Donna, Tracy, Louise & Kirsty) got a silver medal narrowly missing out on gold with their arch rivals for the day Port Elliot.  This is the first Female rowing medal for Semaphore “ever”– Fantastic effort from the ladies.


The Jacco’s (M160+ Johno, Craig A, Craig L, & Owen) cracked their Gold this year which now gives them the complete medal set after three years. Tight racing with Somerton giving them a very hard time.


The Trog’s (M220+ Mainy,Weiry,Mick & Stephen) recovered well from the first race to salvage a bronze from two strong seconds in the 2nd and 3rd races. Well done.


The Marty team (F120+ Marty,Dale,Browny & Aaron) Managed to come away with Gold from their first training session for the year. This makes it an excellent representation from Semaphore.


The Undecideds (F180+ – Jackie,Debb,Claire & Heather) had a great race day coming home in the middle of the pack all day. Excellent effort for their first year of rowing.


The Bizzalloys (M180+ The president, Mick L, Richard, & Barts) drew  the short straw with the most heavily contested division. After their extensive training session they represented Semaphore well. Great effort guys.


So an excellent effort from the Boaties in state masters.


Remember Senior States coming up 20 March


Club Champs


For Club Championships there will be two events

1km time trial for anybody between 1700 and 1800 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Come and get your time recorded by Aaron during these times.


Second event will be a handicap races for the boaties. 1400 on Saturday after Junior events and before presentations.

–          AngryBirds, Vs Undecideds, Vs U23s

–          Trogs, Vs Jaccos, Vs Motley Crew


Boat Naming Ceremony


The boat Naming Ceremony was conducted for the Spirit of Semaphore II in Honour of TOJO and Skeeter with our sponsor Terry from ExyFit. Two fine examples of the Spirit of SemaphoreBoat Champs_20160213_0023 Boat Champs_20160213_0041 Boat Champs_20160213_0048 Boat Champs_20160213_0114 Boat Champs_20160213_0124 Boat Champs_20160213_0138 Boat Champs_20160213_0162 FB_IMG_1455520597846

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Seniors/Masters Club Champs

Seniors and Masters Club Champs are to be held Saturday 20th February From 8.30am.
This is for U14s through to Masters and will include the following events:
* sprints
* flags
* board
* swim
* ski (U17 up)
* 1km ergo time trial (U19 up) This event will be held on designated evenings (TBA) from Mon 15thFri 19th Feb.

Points are awarded from 1st through to 6th in each event for each age group (male and female).

All competitors are to be on the beach with their craft by 8.15am. As this is a club event please ensure you are wearing a club skull cap and have a suitable hi-vis for all water events.

We will require volunteers to help set up for the day – sprint track, flag area, water area and tent. Could those able to help please be at the club by 7.15am.
These areas will also be used for the Junior Club Champs to be held in the afternoon of the same day.

The Club Champ plus runner up for each age group (male and female) will be announced on Sunday 21st Feb at the conclusion of Senior Carnival 5.

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Senior Carnival 5

Senior carnival 5 is to be held at a South Coast venue (TBA) on Sunday 21st February.

Events to be held are:
Individual – sprints, flags, swim, iron, ski, board
Team – beach relay, Taplin, board relay, ski relay, double ski

Nominations for all events are to be sent to Kerry Schulz at by 5pm Tuesday 16th February.

Please note that this will be a training and competition weekend with a range of sessions on offer on the Saturday.
The Seniors/Masters Club Champs are to be held in the morning of Saturday 20th February with those able travelling down to the South Coast after this event concludes. Please see separate post for further information on this.

Meals will be available at the club on Sunday 21st Feb from 5.30pm where we will provide a wrap-up of the carnival plus announce the Club Champs/runners up (male and female) from each age group (U14s – Masters).
The menu for the night will include:
* chicken or beef schnitzel with gravy, pepper or mushroom sauce
* beef korma (mild with chickpeas and spinach)
* warm chicken salad
* spinach and ricotta ravioli
* fish and chips
Adults $10, kids $7

2016 Masters State Championships

Nominations are now being sought for the 2016 Masters State Champs to be held at Normanville on Saturday Feb 27th and Sunday Feb 28th.
A detailed program of events will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

If you are keen to compete (both in individual and team events) please let Kerry Schulz know at by 5pm Wed 17th Feb.