2015/2016 Nipper Season opener

The start of the 2015/2016 nipper season is not far away, if you have thought about joining our program or are looking forward to coming back mark the 10th of October in your calendar.


Look forward to seeing you all there



Awards night and AGM notifications.

Saturday 18/7/15 – Club Awards Night , we have narrowed the venue down to a couple of potentials so stayed tuned.

Sunday 23/8/15 (3pm) – Club AGM Date , we always seem to struggle to get the numbers so make sure to lock in the date

Annual ASRLSA Awards and Presentation Dinner

The Annual ASRLSA Awards and Presentation Dinner is coming up, which is to be held at the Henley SLSC on Saturday 4th July.

Tickets are $58/person for a two course meal and this year’s theme is “Masquerade”, so make sure you bring a Mask!  The night will include a DJ and Photobooth.

If anyone is interested in attending this night can they please contact Steve Sims. There is a flyer on the noticeboard on the club with any additional information you may want to know.

Tickets can be purchased online via the following link which will also be posted onto the ASRLSA website and Facebook page. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/asrl-sa-presentation-dinner-2015-masquerade-ball-tickets-16893787774

We are limited to 120 people, so please book your tickets early so as not to miss out.


38 Degrees Surf VIP Sale

38 Degrees Surf VIP Sale for SLCS Members

2 DAYS ONLY – Sat 21 and Sun 22 Feb


Produce Semaphore membership card to receive discounts.

Sale items and new winter stock not included.

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Invitation for nominations for Life Membership from Dale

Nominations for Life Membership of the Semaphore Surf Life Saving club are now open. Download the form (right click this link and “Save As” to your desktop) Semaphore SLSC Nomination for Life Membership and complete the details. Nominations can be submitted to Dale Welsh by 31 March at dalewelsh0@gmail.com or given as a hard copy at the club.

Membership update for December

Anyone who has not renewed their membership for the current season has now had their record archived and their membership card suspended. As a non-financial member you are unable to patrol or compete in any carnivals. If you wish to renew your membership this can be done online through the Lifesaving Online system. You will need to create a lifesaving account if you don’t already have one, renew your membership and then you can pay online as well. Alternatively, membership can be renewed this Saturday at the club between 11am and 1pm by completing your membership form.

Bistro news from Aina

There is a competition running, drawn on Saturday 20th Dec at the Junior Christmas Party. Purchase a bottle of Anvers wine, fill out an entry form, and you are in the draw!! Check with the bar staff for details.
Have you tried our new, local hand crafted beer on tap, F-Yeah from Big Shed Brewing Concern? It’s been selling well, so if you haven’t tried it yet, maybe this weekend!
Friday Bistro – The special this Friday is Warm Chicken Slaw Salad! $19.50. Choo Chee Prawns are back on the menu!!!
PLEASE NOTE: We have a wedding at the club on Saturday 13th December. The ceremony will be on the southern end of the balcony at 7pm, followed by the reception at the club. It would be appreciated if members and bar patrons could come inside the club whilst the ceremony is in progress please.

Sunday Meals – Meals will be available at the club this Sunday 14th from 5.30pm. Beer Battered Flathead, Beef Madras Curry, Chicken & Beef Schnitzel with plain or pepper gravy. Adults $10.00 Children $7.00

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#1 Ticket Holder and membership update

Tickets for the Number 1 ticket holder raffle are available tomorrow night or Saturday morning at $5 each.
The crowning of the #1 ticket holder will be Friday the 12th of December.
Prizes include designated parking spot, refund of your personal membership and drinks on the night of the crowning.

Members Draw

This weeks Members Draw is on Thursday 4 December between 7-8pm. Prize is $350 and you must be present to win.

The Members Draw will then be conducted on the following dates for the remainder of 2014

  • Friday 12 December (coinciding with Number 1 Member Draw)
  • Saturday 20 December – Nipper Break Up day
  • Sunday 28 December

Draw times from remaining draw dates to be advised by sms.

Boats Update

NO BOATS this weekend due to peoples other commitments.

Results for last weekend at Robe:

Open Male : 3 round  robin rows Semi final and a final  4th overall

Open Female : 3 round robin rows ( a very good effort from a new crew catching a great wave at the end of the day keep it up Ladies)

Reserve grade

WACO CREW : 3 round robin rows 1st  in each of those semi final and to finish of 1st in the final

Reserve crew B : 3 round robin rows semi final and a good 4th in the final

U 23 : 3 round robin rows only 2nd overall

U 19 : 3 round robin rows only 1st overall

All crews back in training under their respective sweeps NO BOATS THIS W/END

Next competition date is Sunday 14/12/2014

A great weekend at Robe with good weather, great Surf and an overall good TEAM BUILDING exercise.





Steve Sims

Boat Captain


Rescue and Resusitation Session this Saturday

There have been a number of teams interested in competing in the R&R event this season which is great. So this upcoming Saturday (22nd of Novemeber) I’ll be running a session for all interested at 11:30am on the lawns outside of the club rooms.

Please head down as this is the main session where I’ll be running through what the event is, creating teams and assigning coaches and even doing some beginning stages of training.

It is open to anyone who is U/10 and above

Looking forward to seeing you there!