Nippers Weekly Update

Hi Everyone,

Many thanks for your efforts on the weekend and congratulations to all the kids and parents on the weekend. I want to thank Craig and Michael for providing our water cover quota on Saturday. If you are able to provide water cover for a couple of hours on either Saturday or Sunday that would be greatly appreciated.

This weekend will see two full days on the beach at Somerton and as soon as the program comes out I will get it through to you all.

Wednesday night will see our  last pool swimming for the junior’s starting at 7.00pm.

For Thursday we are having a pasta night for the kids, pasta will be $10.00 a serve and we still have the usual Thursday night schnitzel menu also. Meals will be available from the usual time and our guest speaker will start from 7.00pm.

On Monday 14 March the presentation day will start at 11.00am with the kids on the beach for the shaving cream fight with lunch available from 12.00pm with meals priced at $7.00 for kids and adults $10.00. After everyone has finished lunch we will start the presentations.

We encourage all people to come along and celebrate the last official day of the season. All age groups including Under 7’s, 8’s and especially the Under 14’s are to come along and have some fun.

Remember be the best you can be and have fun. See you on the beach.




Many Thanks…

Many thanks to Megan Mc Donald for her hard work over the last couple of weeks and her donations to the club members heading to Aussies.
Support  Megan at her new business, Pilentum Physiotherapy and Wellness clinic, Robe St Port Adelaide.20160308_143935-1_resized

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Junior Qualifying and Senior States Day 1 info

Hi everyone, please see attached circulars relating to this weekend, including programs. The most up to date information can be found on the Lifesaving SA website

Please note there will be no Junior training this Saturday, this includes U14s.

Please aim to arrive at least one hour before your first event to allow time to get to the beach and for warm ups. You will send your team manager into a panic if you turn up 5 minutes before your start time.

Junior Marchpast marshaling at 8am for 8:15am start. First events marshaling at 8:30am for a 9am start. There will be no R&R


Seniors 2km run to marshal at 7:15am to begin at 7:45. All other events Marshaling 8:30am for 9am start.


Senior trailer loading will happen at the club Saturday afternoon at 4:30pm. Please tell someone who will be there so that your board is not missed, medals are given away on Sunday so you do not want to be paddling a board that you are not comfortable/have not trained on


C15125 Junior Qual and senior 1 carnivals

2016 Senior State Titles Rev 5day1

Junior Quals2 2016

Nippers Weekly Update

Hi Everyone,


This week will see our club championship run (Under 7-Under 13)  on Saturday during our training session. This will be like a mini carnival for all age groups and our male and female winners of each event will be presented with a medal at the conclusion of training. I would encourage all competitors to have fun and be the best they can be. We anticipate to start at our normal starting time.


Senior Club championship will also be held on Saturday, however they are starting early as they have a training session planned for Saturday afternoon down at Middleton in preparation for the Senior Carnival on Sunday.


Our order of new skull caps have arrived and will be available on Saturday for purchase if you need a new one, also Hi-Vis tops must not be faded and in good order and condition for state titles, if in doubt please speak to me or your age group manager.


Congratulations to all those who competed at Glenelg last weekend and many thanks those assisted in setting up and packing up after the carnival. As we move towards state titles please ensure you let your age group manager know your availability to attend both qualifying on March 5 and March 12 & 13.


Our roster this week is listed below:


Date Event BBQ Board Washing Finish Training with
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 Pool Swimming 7-8pm Largs Bay      
Friday, 19 February 2016 Board Training 5-6pm      
Saturday, 20 February 2016 Junior Club Championship Day U7-U13 U13 U8 Run



Aussies fundraiser

Thanks to all who supported our Aussie fund raising afternoon.
It was highly successful and a lot of fun.
Thanks also to those who donated to the auction and raffles.Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0001 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0009 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0026 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0031 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0045 Ausie Fundraiser_20160207_0046

Boaties Corner

Masters State Titles


What an exciting weekend for the Masters Rowers with the State carnival held on Saturday at Aldinga Beach. A reasonably calm day with a little bubble from the gate can to shore.  Semaphore had six teams in with Excellent results.  Thanks again to Simsy for directing us on the beach and keeping us heading in the right direction, and organising team Shirts from EzyFit, our major sponsor in the boats section.


The AngryBirds (F 160+ Donna, Tracy, Louise & Kirsty) got a silver medal narrowly missing out on gold with their arch rivals for the day Port Elliot.  This is the first Female rowing medal for Semaphore “ever”– Fantastic effort from the ladies.


The Jacco’s (M160+ Johno, Craig A, Craig L, & Owen) cracked their Gold this year which now gives them the complete medal set after three years. Tight racing with Somerton giving them a very hard time.


The Trog’s (M220+ Mainy,Weiry,Mick & Stephen) recovered well from the first race to salvage a bronze from two strong seconds in the 2nd and 3rd races. Well done.


The Marty team (F120+ Marty,Dale,Browny & Aaron) Managed to come away with Gold from their first training session for the year. This makes it an excellent representation from Semaphore.


The Undecideds (F180+ – Jackie,Debb,Claire & Heather) had a great race day coming home in the middle of the pack all day. Excellent effort for their first year of rowing.


The Bizzalloys (M180+ The president, Mick L, Richard, & Barts) drew  the short straw with the most heavily contested division. After their extensive training session they represented Semaphore well. Great effort guys.


So an excellent effort from the Boaties in state masters.


Remember Senior States coming up 20 March


Club Champs


For Club Championships there will be two events

1km time trial for anybody between 1700 and 1800 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Come and get your time recorded by Aaron during these times.


Second event will be a handicap races for the boaties. 1400 on Saturday after Junior events and before presentations.

–          AngryBirds, Vs Undecideds, Vs U23s

–          Trogs, Vs Jaccos, Vs Motley Crew


Boat Naming Ceremony


The boat Naming Ceremony was conducted for the Spirit of Semaphore II in Honour of TOJO and Skeeter with our sponsor Terry from ExyFit. Two fine examples of the Spirit of SemaphoreBoat Champs_20160213_0023 Boat Champs_20160213_0041 Boat Champs_20160213_0048 Boat Champs_20160213_0114 Boat Champs_20160213_0124 Boat Champs_20160213_0138 Boat Champs_20160213_0162 FB_IMG_1455520597846

Water Cover Needed!

Hi everyone, with Master Boat State Titles on this Saturday we will unfortunately be short on numbers for water cover. If you are not rowing this Saturday and am able to come down and help out it will be much appreciated. Without sufficient water cover our nippers can not go in the water and what water cover we have become exhausted with the work they have to do.

Any help will be appreciated!

Boaties Corner

A fantastic weekend for the Semaphore Boaties at Brighton short course. There were 52 races with 75 crews on the beach with Semaphore fielding 6 crews. Thanks to Eddie from Glenelg who filled in with the Baities  while Lisa was on holiday.



U19s “Motley Crew”  1st in every race and 1st overall

U23s “The Baities” 2nd and two 1sts and 1st overall

Reserve men “Jaccos” a  4th (rowlock failure) and two 1sts, and second by a nose in the final

Masters Men “Trogs” 3rd, 2nd 1st with 5th overall

Masters women “Angry Birds” 1st,3rd,2nd 4th overall

Masters Women “ yet to be named” 4thand two 3rd


Excellent effort overall and fantastic team work on the beach. Thanks to Simsy for keeping me running in the right direction on the beach.


Masters Rowing next Saturday at Aldinga:


Packing Friday night after nipper board training

Leaving the Club at 0630 am for 9am start


Teams rowing:

Jaccos (160s)

Trogs (220s)

Angry Birds (160s)

2nd Mature Womens (180s)

Marty’s 120s (Browny, Marty, Kenny(pos Aaron) and Dale)

Bizz’s  (Barts, Leaney, Richard and Bizz) (180s)


Car wash next Saturday 20th February, same time as nippers – duty washes are U19 boys “The motley Crew”


Aussies Update

We still have spots available on the Sunshine Coast for this years Australian Titles, there are a number of single and double rooms available, these will have to be given back shortly so please book quickly if you want to go.

Aussie touring clothing still for sale in clothing shop. We have grey t -shirts, white long sleeved shirts, black club polo and hats.

We are currently planning a fundraising day to assist with fuel costs for towing vehicles and nomination fees.
Please keep Sunday Feb 7th. from 3 pm.

There will be raffles, auctions, and a barbie just to name a few things going on. Any donations or help gratefully received.
Nominations for competitors close Jan 29th, thereafter competitors will pay the difference for late nominations.
Thinking about going but can’t afford the flights? There are still spare seats available in the club ute travelling to Alexander Headland towing the trailers. . See Weiry if interested.

Updated training program

Hi everyone, please see the updated training program on the Senior Surf Sports page. Please note the change of time for Monday skis and Tuesday boards that have both moved to a 5:30 start. This is to allow people who struggle to make the 5pm start to make it to training. Also note the 5:30 start, please arrive at least 20 mins early to load gear and get ready. If you are running late, please let Sean know, we will ensure a ski is loaded, or a board if we are heading to the lake

Wednesday skis will still be a 4:45 for 5pm start due to swimming afterwards.