10 percent off

2014/15 membership payments and renewals now online

You asked for it and it’s finally here! You can now renew your membership and pay online!

No more waiting inline at the club. This year online membership payments and renewals are finally here. You can even pay your competition levy at the same time and get an itemised receipt. For all the details of how to do it, go to the membership page and see the handy how-to video or follow the step by step image guide at the bottom of the membership page.

The process is pretty straight forward but you will need to ensure you input the correct amounts and itemise your inputs manually. Unfortunately this is a limitation of the payment gateway provided to us however there is a handy price list both on the payment screen at lifesavingonline.com.au and on the membership page.

Early birds before 26/10/14

If you pay before the 26th of October (online or at the club) you will get an early bird discount. Full discount details are available on the membership page and dates and times for membership payments and renewals in person will be published soon.

We really want you to pay online!

We understand that not everyone has a credit card or likes to pay online but paying at the club does result in a lot more manual work. So as a special reward for online payments before the 26/10/2014 you will also receive 10% off at the Bistro. Just bring your online receipt (an email on your phone/iPad or a printed version) in before the end of October 2014 and show the staff when ordering to claim your discount.


flag red and yellow

Communicating to you in 2014

Getting the word out about what’s going on at the club is a big job. We have a lot going on! Just like all the great work that gets done by volunteers around the club it happens through no small effort of the people involved. This year we are trying to take the communications at the club to a new level. We want to build on the great work of the previous years and make sure that we don’t hear the words “I didn’t know that was on” come from anyone. Ambitious I know. To that end I am enlisting the help of all who are willing and able to take ownership of our communications and join me in forming the club communicators group.

At the moment we use a number of channels to get the message out. Semaphoreslsc.com.au, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Mailchimp, Surfcom, SMS and standing on a chair and shouting. Some methods are more effective than others but if you take a channel away you reduce the amplitude of the message you are pushing. We already have a group of people who have been posting to our channels over the last couple of years, this year we want to add to the coordination of that and reduce the barriers for the different sections of the club in getting their message out.

If you have previously been frustrated because “you didn’t know that was on” or if you are interested in being part of this new coordinated communications machine, please come to our SSLSC comms group meeting on Thursday August 7 at 630pm. If you can’t make it but you are keen nonetheless, talk to me, Heather Sibley, Karin Humphrey, Georgia Robbins or Sean McKenzie to find out how you can participate.



juniors at training

2014 Juniors Age Group Managers and Assistants Needed

As another surf season rapidly approaches it is time to get together and start getting organised for the season ahead. So I would like to invite you and anyone else who you know that expressed interest to Brad in either becoming an age group manager or assistant age group manager or helper to join us in meeting on Wednesday 30th July at the club at 7.30pm to start planning the 2014/15 season.

I have shared with a few people some ideas I have for the season and have asked a number of people if they could lead some additional training sessions during the week on top of board training on a Friday afternoon.

Ideally I would like a session dedicated to beach events, that includes sprints, flags beach relays and wades that would be open to the Under 9’s and upwards.

Another session would be open for Under 11’s and upwards that would concentrate on board rescue and iron person training. These additional sessions will only take place if we can get enough volunteers to assist in co-ordinating the sessions along with ensuring we get enough water cover to make it happen.

Please come prepared to share any thoughts or ideas you have. For those who are really keen carnival dates are already listed on the SLSA website, although venues have not been released at the moment.

I hope you can make the meeting, if you are unable to attend please feel free to give me call.


Pat Larven


Life Membership – Call for Nominations

The Life Membership Committee is now calling for nominations for Life Membership. The Committee will meet to consider nominations before they are presented to the Board of Management for endorsement. Following endorsement from the Board of Management, nominations will then be presented to members at the Annual General Meeting for consideration.

Who is eligible?
Life Membership may be granted to members who have rendered sustained, distinguished, conspicuous, and/or special service to the club.

A nomination must be submitted in writing and seconded by a bronze medallion holder. Nominations can be presented to any member of the Life Membership Committee by 30 June or emailed to dalewelsh0@gmail.com

2014 Life Membership Committee
Dale Welsh, Todd Bampton (Board of Management), Roz Tate, Tony Lloyd and Jeff Bampton (Life Members)

the IRB square

Volunteers needed for City of Adelaide Clipper Ship Event

Looking for volunteers to help out this Saturday at an event for the City of Adelaide Clipper Ship in Port Adelaide. Needing people to be both in an IRB and on the shore. 10pm-5pm, hoping if we get enough volunteers we can do shifts rather than keeping the same people on all day. Please contact Georgia on 0408841160 or Neil on 0417478512 for more info or if you can help out for a few hours.

Cocktail Party and AGM Dates 2014

We are happy to announce the dates for the 2014 Presidents Cocktail Party and the 2014 Annual General Meeting.

The Cocktail Party will be held on Saturday the 12th of July.

The Annual General Meeting will be held the following afternoon on Sunday the 13th of July.

More details regarding times, venues etc will be released soon so keep checking our new website!

We are looking forward to what will be a memorable weekend for the Semaphore SLSC!

Semaphore SLSC Constitution Update

Throughout season 2013/14 the Semaphore SLSC Board of Management has been undertaking a process of updating the constitution.  The updated version of the constitution has been developed using the best practice templates provided by Surf Lifesaving Australia and Surf Lifesaving South Australia.  A number of other clubs in South Australia have already adopted this template.  By adopting a constitution that aligns with the state and national bodies, Semaphore SLSC will ensure that all of its policies and procedures remain up to date.  The Board of Management is now seeking feedback on the draft constitution.  There will also be an information session for interested members to discuss the draft in detail.  The aim is to send out the final draft constitution to members with the Agenda for the 2014 AGM.  The updated constitution can then be discussed and voted on at the AGM.

Feedback can be forwarded to dalewelsh0@gmail.com or nbisset@bigpond.net.au

Semaphore Club Constitution with new membership categories (model template)


juniors at training

Outstanding Results in SAPSASA Swimming

Over the last 3 weeks our juniors have been competing for their schools and districts in the school SAPSASA swimming and catholic swimming carnivals.

The Port Districts team was made up of a majority of Semaphore SLSC juniors. They all did themselves, schools and families proud with the efforts they put in. The most outstanding results on the day were;

ü  Lucas Piscinerri      10 years boys 50m Freestyle – Gold Medal

ü  Lucas Piscinerri      10 years boys 50m Backstroke – Bronze Medal

ü  Teagan Richards    10 years girls 50m Breaststroke – Bronze Medal

ü  Teagan Richards    10 years girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay – Gold Medal

The Catholic school carnivals also brought some outstanding results with the following juniors winning the overall age champion for their divisions on the day.

ü  Lucas Piscinerri                  10years Boys Champion

ü  Stephanie Piscinerri                       13 years girls Champion

ü  Mayie Rigney                        12 years girls Champion

Great work by all these kids and keep up the training

North Haven Break Water to Break Water Swim

This Saturday our neighbours at the North Haven SLSC will hold their annual season closing Open Water Swim. The swim is open to all who have the ability to swim 1200 – 1400m in the deep water unassisted.

This is a great event and there are prizes on offer for all who compete and complete the course. So come on kids get Mum and Dad up early this Saturday for an 8.00am registration and 9.00am swim from the Southern Breakwall to the Northern Breakwall at North Haven. Mum & Dads are encouraged to compete.

Members Draw!

The members draw will be this Friday the 11th of April between 6:30 – 7:30pm. The money up for grabs is back to $50, see you there!