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Boaties Dinner

Calling all members!!! Come join the Boaties in celebrating the start of another great surf season with good food, wine and music. Excellent value at only $35 includes 3 course meal expertly prepared by our own chefs, free drink on arrival, live music trio, door prizes and raffles. Get together a group of your friends (tables of 8) and come enjoy a relaxing start to the season.

Ticket bookings can be made by email, mobile 041 881 9854 or Table Booking Sheet will be on noticeboard in club. I will also be selling tickets over the next 10 days around the club.


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Upcoming club function!

Keep Saturday the 25th of October free. 7pm till late….The Boaties are hosting a club function! Sit down dinner and Band with raffles and more!

Would love for some Boaties to help sell tickets etc so please contact Steve Sims or Lib Robbins on 041 881 9854

Movie and Schnitty Night 2nd October

Get along to the club this Thursday October 2nd for a movie and schnitzel night.

Movie TBA but will be a recent release family movie.

For sunsets you'll wish would never end

Minutes from the 2014 AGM now available for download.

If you are wishing to recap the exciting 2014 AGM, please download the document here 

Any questions, comments, errors or omissions,  please contact Dot Moffatt 0407415008

Photos from the 2014 Semaphore SLSC Surf Camp

get in a boat

FYI IRB Lifejackets Policy

Attached is information regarding the incoming policy that all IRB Operators must now wear a lifejacket whenever operating the IRB. Please have a read and ensure you are aware before the 2014/15 season!

Lifejacket Memo and Order Form

Boaties Awards Dinner

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For any further details or if interested please contact Steve Sims!

‘Whats Up Down Under’ Filming at Semaphore SLSC

A couple of weeks ago we had we had Channel 10 send down a TV Crew from ‘Whats Up Down Under’ to film a segment about Semaphore SLSC. Our very own Neil Bisset was interviewed, they did a sky dive and Neil and JT even took the TV Presenter for a ride in the IRB. Our section should feature in a couple of weeks time on a Saturday Afternoon on Channel 10 so keep a look out!

Winter Senior Training Times

No rest for the wicked!  It is time for the Seniors and Masters to begin their winter fitness campaign!

At this stage the focus is on ski training and swimming.  Please see the below program for days and times for training along with who can participate.

Please note that there is a small cost to participate in the Semaphore Surf Squad’s swimming session ($4).

Hi-vis must be worn (no exceptions) for all ocean and lake training.

If it is decided that a ski session will be held on the lake please make yourself available to assist with loading/unloading the trailer.

This program will be amended with additional sessions for other disciplines added in from June onwards. Please keep checking this page to ensure you remain aware of all training on offer.


All on the beach

IRB Carnival Report

Just when you thought the Surf Season was finished a few hearty soles (11 of us) ventured down to Somerton for the 1st IRB Carnival (4 in total this year plus States) on Sunday 4th May. Some very good results overall fielding teams in the Opens , Masters & Females in near perfect conditions.  Highlight of the day being Nick Penny (Driver) & Ben Mahney (Crew) coming first in their heat of the Mass Rescue.
Tube Rescue :
Masters : Too cold for them !!!!
Opens : Driver – Ryan Sullivan , Crew – Ben Mahney , Patient – Nick Penny
The boys got off to a flyer with and finished a healthy 3rd in the heat , and 5th in the final.
Mass Rescue :
Masters : Driver – Neil Bisset , Crew – Mick Kenny , Patients – Sean Kenny & Bec Franklin
Gee if you want to see some fantastic sprinting off the beach start line, check our Neil & Micks’s running style !!!!! , the boys managed to finished 4th in their heat and 5th in the final
Opens : Driver – Nick Penny , Crew – Ben Mahney , Patient – Sean Kenny & Bec Franklin
What a start , the boys finished 1st in their heat , but due to an over zealous official, got picked up on a technicality and was D.Q.’d , watch this space as the they will be a force to be reckoned with.
Team Rescue :
Opens : Drivers – Ben Mahney & Mick Kenny , Crews – Sean Kenny & Nick Penny , Patients – Trent Bampton & Bec Franklin
The teams tried very hard but again got pinged on another technicality and was subsequently DQ’s  , BUT as least Trent Bampton ended up in the ocean as a patient !!!!
Straight Single Rescue :
Masters : Driver – Neil Bisset , Crew – Mick Kenny , Patient – Bec Franklin
Unfortunately we missed getting the patient to the start line in time before the start and so were DQ’d , pity as we were HOT FAVOURITES for this event !!!!!
Opens : Driver – Nick Penny , Crew – Ben Mahney , Patient – Bec Frankin
Reckon the boys got 4th in their heat and 5th in the final.
Females : Driver – Bec Franklin , Crew – Sean Kenny , Patient – Trent Bampton
Our first ever female IRB Driver in competition , great stuff Bec  , finished 4th in the heat.
With Dot Moffat as our Official on the beach , Georgia Kenny as the team manager , Ailsa & Carmel as the catering officers we all had a great day ,NEXT CARNIVAL PORT NOARLUNGA , SUNDAY 18th MAY why not come down to support or better still take part !!!!
P.S. Terry Purdie , your left over chocolate donuts and pastries were fantastic along with Ailsa’s hot pumpkin soup.