Juniors Weekly Update


Thanks to



Thank you to everyone who attended the parents information session last week, you can download a PDF of the presentation here, and as promised please remember these dates leading up to Christmas:


Date Location
Making Ginger Bread People* Sun 13 November Club Rooms Time TBC
Being Part of our Float at the Port Pageant* Sat 19 November Port Adelaide after training
Junior Disco (U7-U16) Sat November 26 Club Rooms 6.30-9.30pm
Father Christmas Arrives (All Ages) Sat December 10 At the conclusion of training
Joint Junior Training (U9-13) Sat December 2017 Port Elliott
Training Resumes after Xmas Break (All ages groups) Sat January 7 2017 Semaphore
 *For the Under 7 &*8’s

We are pleased to announce that we have secured Age Group Managers for both the Under 7s’ and Under 9s’

Under 7 – We have a group of five thank you to Kate Griffin, Sarah Davies, Andrew Davies, Kerry Mc Connell and Trevor Wilkinson

Under 9  – We have Bruce Moseley and Brenton Zampatti

Again if you are able to help in anyway please let me know.

Wednesday 26/10 – Junior Pool Swimming

Largs Bay Swim Centre Victoria Road Largs Bay 7-8pm Cost $4.00 This is open to proficient members from last season.

This will include new members and Under 9’s once we undertake our proficiency assessment. A reminder a parent must be present whilst your child swims

Friday 28/10 – Junior Board Training

Board Training for Under 10- 13 4.45pm-6.00pm at the club. This is open to proficient members from last season.

This will include new members and Under 9’s once we undertake our proficiency assessment. A reminder a parent must be present whilst your child trains

Saturday 29/10 – Junior Training

March Past Training starts at 12.00pm Under 9-Under 13 Start 12.45 pm on the lawn, for come and try please ensure you register upstairs and receive you top and cap prior to training commencing. from 11.30-12.30 and three people from 2.30pm-4.30pm

Hopefully we will swim this weekend and start some of our proficiencies.

Thank you

Pat Larven



Local lads do our Club proud at Coolangatta

The weekend of 15th/16th saw a number of members travel up to the Gold Coast to take on the Iconic Coolangatta Gold, an endurance Iron Man race based off the movie of the same name from 1984. Saturday was the short course race comprising of a 14.1km Ski paddle, 2.1km beach run, 2.5km ocean swim, 6.1km Board Paddle finishing with a 7.1km Beach run and Nic Schulz took the race on as an U19. He executed a great consistent race placing 13th out of the U19s and 17th overall for the day. He was the fastest South Australian to complete the course.

Sunday saw Willis Leirnert complete the Youth Challenge comprising a 500m beach run, 400m swim, 500m Board paddle and finishing with a 500m run. At just 12 years of age Wilis raced a great race against competitors from some of the big clubs from Queensland and was right in the middle of the field. He really enjoyed the experience of racing against some of the best competitors from across the country.

We also had our open team compete in the long course event on Sunday. The team of Laurence Fletcher, Sean McKenzie, Nick Penny and Leigh Pilkington completed the grueling event in a competitive position of 7th place, in conditions that many have said to have been the toughest they have raced in. Laurence completed the 23km ski leg while battling into a strong head wind for 17 of the 23km. Sean had to swim in rough conditions that made it hard to get into a good rhythm, and saw him start to get hypothermia by the end of the 3.5km swim. Nick Penny completed the 6.1km board paddle in a very competitive time while battling winds that were turning more cross shore as the event went on. To finish the race Leigh completed the run after just overcoming a knee injury weeks before the race, and wasn’t sure if it would cause him difficulties while racing.

Well done to all of our local representatives.  You’ve done Semaphore proud!

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Surf Sports Series

Surf Sports Series 1 is on this Saturday. This series is a bunch of Board and Ski races which will be followed by the beach series. Please let Kerry Schulz (kschulz1000@gmail.com) know by Tuesday 2pm if you plan on racing. We will load the trailer on Saturday afternoon at 12:30 to head to Seacliff for 2:30pm Marshalling. If you are only interested in the beach series bring yourself along for 4:30 Mashalling.

This is open to all seniors, U14s up. Water cover will be needed for anyone who does not have their SRC yet. First year U17s who do not have their Bronze yet can also race. cost is $5 which will be invoiced to you on completion of the series.

This Sunday is also the next Ocean Race for U17s up. please let Sean McKenzie know if you would like to race. Short and long courses available for both Board and Ski. Short course 7km approx and long course 15-18km.

Tuesday Training + Chiton Camp info

Tuesday Night Board Training

Please be aware that Tuesday night board training has now switched to 5:30pm on water at the lake. Someone will be at the club at 5:05pm to open the club and will be leaving for the lake at 5:15pm. The trailer will not be getting towed, nor will the person be able to fit people with them so please ensure you have a car with roof racks sorted. The training program has been posted in the Senior Competition Facebook page, so if you need to get on the water earlier and am competent, you can train earlier by yourself. Sean will be arriving almost on 5:30pm at the lake, so please be ready to hit the water so we can get as much done before it gets too dark.


Chiton Camp

If everyone could please start getting to the club as soon as they can on Friday, around 4:30pm would be good. We can load the trailer and get on our way. Dinner has been booked at Pt Elliot Pub at 7pm, but if we get there later, we get there later.
It does look like we will be having some good weather and maybe some good surf as well. Surfboards are allowed for those that surf, but training will come first. From memory the 8ball table is incomplete so if anyone has a full set and some cues at home could they please bring them so the table can be used properly.
Do not forget bedding (sleeping bags, pillows, and anything else you might like to sleep in), if people have gopro’s bring them along, footballs, soccerballs, etc are also encouraged. Do not forget your running shoes and running gear! And I hope I don’t need to mention High Vis anymore but there it is just in case.
AGM is at 3pm on Sunday afternoon so we will all be back for that, I really encourage that everyone who has voting rights stays because as much as things might get boring, some important information may come up that you need to vote on, or a position may be contested and if you’re not there then you can not complain if the person you prefer does not get in.

Pool Rescue State Championships Wrap-Up

This season’s Pool Rescue State Championships were held on the weekend of the 16th and 17th July at the SA Aquatic Centre at Marion.
Semaphore had one of its largest groups of competitors ever (16 in total) and as a result we finished 4th on the overall leader board. Although we are still waiting for the official results/points to come through from SLSSA this is definitely a very impressive result!
Outstanding efforts by all that attended with a massive medal tally of 27 comprising of 8 Gold, 14 Silver and 5 Bronze!!
Medals included:
– U12 Female 100m Obstacle – Ella Andrews – SILVER
– U12 Male 100m Obstacle – Will Larven – SILVER
– U17 Female 200m Obstacle – Bianca Williams – SILVER
– U17 Male 200m Obstacle – Danny Humphrey – BRONZE
– U17/19 50m Obstacle Relay – Danny Humphrey/Cooper Lienert/Nic Schulz/Bianca Williams – GOLD
– Open 50m Obstacle Relay – Trent Bampton/Kyle Thomas/Rhys Krauter/Sean McKenzie – SILVER
Danny Humphrey/Cooper Lienert/Nic Schulz/Bianca Williams – BRONZE
– U19 Male Line Throw – Cooper Lienert/Kyle Thomas – BRONZE
– U12 Female 50m with fins – Ella Andrews – SILVER
– U12/13 Female Patient Tow with fins – Ella Andrews/Sarah Edwards – SILVER
– U12/13 50m Medley Relay – Ella Andrews/Sarah Edwards/Will Larven/Charlize Williams – SILVER
– U17 Female 50m with fins – Bianca Williams – GOLD
– Open Male 50m with fins – Rhys Krauter – GOLD
Sean McKenzie – SILVER
– U17 Male 100m Manikin Tow with fins and rescue tube – Nic Schulz – BRONZE
– Open Male 100m Manikin Tow with fins and rescue tube – Sean McKenzie – SILVER
– U17/19 50m Medley Relay – Danny Humphrey/Cooper Lienert/Nic Schulz/Bianca Williams – SILVER
– Open 50m Medley Relay – Nic Schulz/Trent Bampton/Rhys Krauter/Sean McKenzie – GOLD
– U17 Male 50m Manikin Carry – Danny Humphrey – GOLD
– Open Male 50m Manikin Carry – Rhys Krauter – GOLD
Sean McKenzie – SILVER
– U17/19 25m Manikin Relay – Danny Humphrey/Cooper Lienert/Nic Schulz/Bianca Williams – SILVER
– Open 25m Manikin Relay – Danny Humphrey/Rhys Krauter/Nic Schulz/Sean McKenzie – GOLD
– U17 Male 100m Manikin Carry with fins – Danny Humphrey – SILVER
Nic Schulz – BRONZE
– Open Male 100m Manikin Carry with fins – Sean McKenzie – GOLD
Rhys Krauter – SILVER

A big thank you to all of those that came out and supported and helped out with officiating, volunteering and timekeeping. As usual Semaphore had more than their required quota!










Tuesday Training Cancelled 28/6

Unfortunately tonight’s senior board session has been cancelled. It seems too many people have something on. Please go for a 30 minute run, and Aussies swimming is on at Largs Bay Swim Centre from 7-8pm.

Pool Lifesaving Training Update

Apologies for the cancellation of training last weekend, we have now borrowed the gear required for training. For the next three weeks we will also be including training for pool lifesaving state titles on Wednesday night club swimming. This will be open to everyone from U12s (season 15/16 age) and up who is planning on competing (plus normal Club training swimmers), and will come with the standard cost of $4 per person. The planned Saturday sessions will still go ahead as normal at the Parks Swim Centre (2nd July and 9th July from 1:30-3:30pm), these sessions will be fully funded by the club.

Entries close 5th July so please let us know so we can have entries finalised. Please see attached circular for list of events, rough timetable and more information

Pool Lifesaving State titles Circular


Boaties Corner

Hi Team, please see below for some updated information,

  1. The ASRL-SA dinner is being cancelled and instead trophies will be given out after the AGM at Brighton SLSC on August 14th
  2. A junior development camp is intended to be conducted 17/18 September at Swanport on the Murray. $20/person , arriving at 8amSaturday leaving noon Sunday. Coaching, techniques andmixing with other junior from other clubs. Please get back to me by CoB Tuesday 14 Jul if you’re interested so I can  go back to the ASRL-SA committee.
  3. Robe is locked in on the 10th December for boats – the Robe Senior Carnival will be next year
  4. Draft Calendar for the year is attached
  5. Please let me know who is interested in Manly/freshwater or Aussies next year please let me know so that we can start planning
  6. ASRL-SA are thinking about initiating a high performance program with the aim of making rowers more competitive with the other states



Date Event Venue Comment
14th ASRL-SA AGM + Presentation Brighton  
17th ASRL Ergo Clinic #1 TBC  
17/18 ASRL SA Youth Development Camp SwanPort (Murray)  
29 ASRL Ergo Clinic #2 TBC  
9th Port Elliot Island Row Port Elliot SLSC  
22th ASRL SA Youth Training Day Moana 8am – 10am
27th ASRL Ergo Clinic #3 TBC  
13th ASRL SA/Navy #1 TBC  
17th ASRL Ergo Clinic #4    
27th SLSSA Senior Carnival #1 TBC Schoolies
2nd Somerton Twilight Carnival Somerton Twilight (5pm – 7:00pm)
10th ASRL SA Robe  
8th SLSSA Senior Carnival #3 TBC  
14th ASRL SA Twilight Carnival TBC Twilight (5pm – 7:00pm)
26th Freshwater Carnival Freshwater, NSW  
28th Manly Open Manly, NSW  
29th Manly Open Manly, NSW  
5th Brighton Jetty Classic Brighton  
12th ASRL SA event TBC  
17th – 19th ASRL Open TBC  
25th Masters Surf Boats TBC  
5th South Port Coopers Classic South Port  
12th SLSSA Senior State Championships TBC  
25th – 2nd Aussies Tugun, QLD  



Aaron Low

Seniors Winter Training Camp – Chiton Rocks

With winter training now underway we thought it was time to organise a training camp for all of our seniors (including the 2016/17 U14s).
This is a great team bonding opportunity and a good chance to get some practice in some decent surf.

We have booked Chiton Rocks SLSC for two nights over the weekend of Friday 5thSunday 7th August at a cost of $30 per person per night.
The accommodation area sleeps a maximum of 26 (20 single bunks and 3 doubles).

Confirmation of numbers needs to be given as soon as possible so if you are interested in attending please email Karin Humphrey at kaz412@bigpond.com by Fri 24th June.
The club will invoice members for payment.

As the new season U14s do not yet have their SRC we will also be asking for support from parents and/or anyone else with their Bronze that is keen to help to provide assistance with water cover during the training sessions which are likely to occur Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Depending on the departure time from the club on Friday 5/8 there may also be a brief training session late that afternoon.

Please note – Sunday 7th August is also the club’s AGM so we are asking that all of those attending the camp come back to the club on Sunday afternoon at 3pm to show their support and ensure we get the numbers needed to allow our AGM to proceed.

Pool Rescue State Champs Training Sessions

As has previously been advertised – Pool Rescue State Championships are to be held on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July.
This is the last event of the 2015/16 season and is open to current (15/16) U12s and above.
Details re nominations will be sent out soon.

In order to support all those that are keen to enter gain an understanding of and practice the various races to be held we have organised 3 training sessions at The Parks Recreation and Sports Centre (Cowan Street Angle Park).
These sessions will be held on Saturday 25th June, Saturday 2nd July and Saturday 9th July from 1.303.30pm and will be coached by Trent Bampton and Sean McKenzie.
There will be NO cost to participate in training as this has been fully funded by the club.

We are hoping to have a strong team at Pool Champs this year so come along to the training sessions and see what a great and fun event this is!