Senior Carnival 2- Aldinga

The circular for the second senior carnival (November 19th) has been released and nominations MUST be completed by 9am Monday the 13th.
Please send your nominated events to Shannon Harris NO later than Saturday the 11th as we will only have Sunday night to do the entries.

These are the events:

U 14/15 sprint relay, swim teams, board relay, cameron relay, iron person, 2km and flags
U17 – Open Sprint relay, swim teams, ironman, ski relay, taplin, 2km and flags

There are also the usual boat events.

We are also looking to enter a marchpast team. If you are interesting in being a part of this, please let us know as well.

Once we have everyone’s nominations we can begin forming teams to enter.

Please send all nominations to Shannon on Facebook or email

Junior Carnival and Presentation

The first of this season’s Junior Carnivals is on this Sunday with Club members travelling to Port Noarlunga.  It looks like we’ll receive some warm weather for the event so it should be a great day on the beach.

Join us back at the Club after the Carnival for Presentations.  The Bar and Bistro will be open.  A set menu will be available to choose from.

So come along and support our juniors and the Club!




Senior Carnival 1 a wild affair at Seacliff!


The first Senior Carnival of the season was held at Seacliff on the weekend and we were met with 50km/h+ north-west winds, with predictions that would increase significantly throughout the day. This resulted in a change in program to try and get some of the tougher events done before the wind became too strong.

The first events were the 2km runs, which were shortened to 1km with the severe weather. We had a lot of great performances with a few of our competitors gaining top 6 places, including 3rd, 5th and 6th in the U14s girls race to Teagan, Sarah and Neli respectively. While Nic Schulz was 2nd in the U19s and Zac was 4th in the U17s.



We had a great number of people give the water a crack in tough conditions.  Some of the highlights included Ella and Teagan going 3rd and 2nd in the iron, 3rd and 1st in the board and were joined in the swim with all the other girls where we had all 6 within the top 12 and 3 in the top 4. Emily and Neli gave the board a crack, after only starting training two weeks ago, and Neli managed to make the final.

Our youth boys were out having a shot as well, with their training only recently starting, Naish picked up 3rd in the U14 sprint, Nick was 4th in the U15s, and cooper fought to 12th in the U15 iron.

Our U17 boys, Conner and Zac raced well. Connor has battled sickness and injuries and got to 10th in the final.  They both raced well in the board race and did well in a tough swim race.

Nic and Danny were our U19s, and did unbelievably well. Nic doubled up into every open event, as well as the U19 races.

  • He was 4th in the open ski, then won the 19 ski.
  • 4th in the open iron, 1st in the U19
  • 7th in the open board, 5th in the U19
  • Danny was 4th in the U19 ski and 5th in the Iron
  • They were joined by Connor in the U19 Taplin and finished 2nd




In the end the conditions decreased throughout the day as the expected front arrived hours later, when we were off the beach. Our seniors that have been training all through the winter got some great results, while those that have really only just started gave things a good crack and have plenty to improve on.  Congratulations to everyone who participated.

Our next carnival is on November 19th, with the location to be dependent on the conditions.


Volunteer Bar Staff Roster

Calling all Volunteer Bar Staff. There is a new roster posted on the notice board near the club office. If you were on the last one you will be on this one. If you are no longer able to help please cross your name off the list. The roster covers Saturdays and Sundays up until we close for renovations. If you are interested in helping and not on the current roster please contact Adam Sikorski 0439811746. You must have a current Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate. Volunteers are the driver behind our club. Any assistance is always appreciated.

Upcoming Bronze and SRC Course

Are you interested in completing your Bronze or SRC?  The next course starts on Sunday 5th November on the Brooksy Patrol.

The timed Swim is on Wednesday 1st November at 7pm at the Largs Bay Swim Centre.

Please email Chief Instructor Jennie on to register your interest.


Nippers beats the nasty weather

Well it would have been tough going at the Senior Carnival today but Nippers scored some great weather on Saturday.  It’s so wonderful to see so many of our young members sharing their knowledge and experience with our little ones this season.  Many of the Assistant coaches are Seniors, like Ella Edwards pictured taking the Under 7’s through a Flags session, that have only just finished in Nippers in the last couple of years themselves.  This is what our Club is all about.

It was a tough gig on Patrol Saturday, watching the sky-divers do their thing and patrolling the beach in almost perfect conditions.  If you are a parent and want to get more involved consider challenging yourself by becoming a patrol member at the Club.  There’s plenty of training opportunities.




See you on the beach next weekend!


Junior Board training off to a great start

It was an excellent turn out for the first Junior Board training of the season, with some choppy conditions challenging our youngsters.



Provided we reach our required quota for water cover training will take place again next Friday.  Keep an eye out for the confirmed location and starting time.


Please note to take part in this training the junior member must be proficient.  If they achieved proficiency last year this carries over until the beginning of December and they are ok to train.  All new Club members, as well as Under 8 and 9’s that haven’t passed their proficiency swim this season must wait for this to occur before joining in on a Friday night.  This is to ensure the Club provides the safest possible environment for our children.


Members draw win puts the icing on the cake for Clee Family!

Junior Clarice Clee has won this week’s Members draw, taking home $400 in prize money!  It capped off a wonderful night for the Clee’s who were at the Club celebrating Brad’s 44th birthday.  Well done Clarice!

Head down to the Club on Friday nights for the Semaphore SLSC members Draw!  Remember you must be present to win.

Enjoy a drink at the Bar from 5pm with Bistro meals available from 6pm.

To book a table please call the Club during bistro hours (5-9 Thursday and from 5 Friday).

Members draw will take place between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.

So come and enjoy a drink and a meal, with your chance to win some big bucks!!

More members ready for Patrol!

Congratulations to Connor Tunbridge, Ryan Christie & Brooke Moseley for achieving their Bronze Medallion and Matilda Kaftan for gaining her Surf Rescue Certificate on Friday 20 October 2017. Looking forward to getting a photo of this group at some point in their uniform

semaphore logo top

Members Draw Friday night!

Head down to the Club on Friday nights for the Semaphore SLSC members Draw!

This week’s prize is $400!  Remember you must be present to win.

Enjoy a drink at the Bar from 5pm with Bistro meals available from 6pm.

To book a table please call the Club during bistro hours (5-9 Thursday and from 5 Friday).

Members draw will take place between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.

So come and enjoy a drink and a meal, with your chance to win some big bucks!!