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Club Run Saturday 7th November

Our first whole club event for the season is to be held on Saturday 7th November.
This will be the first of several and will be a Club Run.

All members are encouraged to ‘have a go’.
Marshaling will be at 3.15pm for a 3.30pm start.

All of those that complete the run will be given a raffle ticket. Tickets will be drawn upstairs at the conclusion of the run with 5 prizes awarded to 5 lucky participants. You don’t have to win the race to win a prize!

Nippers Weekly Update

Hi Everyone.


It was great to see a large number turn out for our third week of the season and again a large number of come and try kids return for the their third week on the beach. Well done to those who completed their proficiency swims and again we will try to get through more swims this week.


Come and try remains open to new people up until December 31 so it’s not too late to come and try!


Hi-Vis tops – purchase a new top on Saturday and trade in your old one and receive a $5.00 discount on the new one.


  • Board Training Friday evening from 5.00pm to 6.00pm. Your age group manager will be in contact to let you know if you are able to participate on Friday evening. If unsure please feel free to ring me.
  • A reminder March Past Training starts at 12.15pm on Saturday for Under 9’s to Under 13’s.
  • Any Under 14’s not attending the Surf Camp this weekend – training as normal this weekend
  • Briefing on the lawn 1.00pm – Training finishes at 3.00pm
  • Board Rescue Training – Under 11 to Under 13 3.00-3.30pm
  • BBQ this week Under 12’s if you can help please speak to Pat
  • Board Washing Under 11’s
  • Uniform shop is open 11.30am -12.45pm
  • Carnival helpers required – we need your help – forms are notice board upstairs please help make the carnival a success by volunteering an hour of your time.





Junior Nipper Training Info

Hi Everyone.


It was great to see a large number of familiar faces along with lots of new faces last weekend on the beach. A special welcome to the 73 come and try kids and we hope to see you all back on Saturday.

Parents if you are returning for your second come and try please remember to come upstairs and have your child’s name ticked off and collect your cap and top. It would be greatly appreciated if you arrive by 12.30pm to make this happen. The top and cap will need to be returned to the Age Group Manager at the end of training.


Come and try remains open to new people up until December 31 so it’s not too late to come and try!


Hi-Vis tops – purchase a new top on Saturday and trade in your old one and receive a $5.00 discount on the new one.


A reminder March Past Training starts at 12.15pm on Saturday for Under 9’s to Under 13’s.

Briefing on the lawn 1.00pm – Training finishes at 3.00pm

BBQ this week Under 14’s if you can help please speak to Pat

Uniform shop is open 11.30am -12.45pm

Carnival helpers required – we need your help – forms are notice board upstairs please help make the carnival a success by volunteering an hour of your time.




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Beach Event 1

The first of two Beach Events is to be held on Friday 30th October at Seacliff SLSC. Marshaling will be from 4pm with the events to start at 5pm.

This is open to U13s through to Masters and will include sprints and flags. Relays will be conducted if time permits.

Please see the attached circular for further information.
C15065 Beach Series nominations

Please note – Event 2 will be conducted as part of Senior Carnival 1 (Sunday 8th November – South Port SLSC).

If you would like to participate in this event please email Kerry Schulz at by 5pm Monday 26th October.

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Board and Ski Series – wrap-up of Event 1 & information on Event 2

Well done to our very small group of competitors that took part in the first event of the board and ski series:
– Josh Larven
– Cooper Lienert
– Bianca Williams
– Danny Humphrey
This was conducted as a handicap event after the first race with official results still pending.
Thanks to Craig Lienert and Trent Bampton for being the team managers.

Board and Ski Event 2 is to be held on Saturday 24th October at Christies Beach SLSC. Marshaling will be from 1pm with the event to be held from 2-4pm (approximately).

This event is open to U14 – Masters (board) and U17 – Masters (ski).

Please see the attached circular for further information.
C15062 Board and Ski nominations

If you would like to participate in this event please email Kerry Schulz at by 5pm Monday 19th October.

juniors at training

Nippers for the 2015 season!


Welcome to the new surf season,


As we prepare for October 10th we would like to let everyone know who the age group managers are for the upcoming season:


Under 7           Louise Hoendervanger & Jo Jarvis

Under 8           Kelly Jones

Under 9           Ian Biggs

Under 10         Brad Tunbridge

Under 11         Kirsty Low

Under 12         Luke Zille

Under 13         Aaron Low

Under 14         Sean McKenzie

March Past         Kelly Jones & Brooke Jones


A reminder October 10 Start time is 12.30pm and that everyone will need to have completed new forms including health/ medical form prior to the commencement of training  for all children. It would be greatly appreciated if you could arrive early to complete these prior to training commencing.


Membership fees are also due so you can take advantage of the early bird payment by renewing your membership online or paying in person on the day.


The uniform shop will be open from 11.30am until 12.45pm each Saturday. Food will be available from the bar prior to training and after training each Saturday.


Training times from October 17th

March Past training will commence at 12.15pm through to 12.45pm

Training briefing on the grass at 1.00pm

Beach activities will commence 1.15pm

Beach activities will conclude 3.15pm

Each Saturday we will be conducting club activities at the end of training commencing at 3.30pm – including a club run either 1 or 2 kilometre in distance open to all ages, club swim for under 11 upwards. Once a month we will have a club marathon that will include under 9 and upwards consisting of a swim, board paddle and run. The marathon and swim will not commence until proficiencies swims have been completed.


If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to give me a call on 0419816911




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Under 14’s transition into Senior carnivals and events

The Surf Sports Standing Committee approved the following at the June 2015 meeting:
To come in line with the National Youth Championships, U14’s to be transitioned into senior carnivals from the 2015/16 season.

Following quite a significant amount of feedback from clubs and meetings conducted on August 13th and September 10th the information attached has been compiled. There are a number of items where a consensus has been reached and therefore a “recommended approach” has been made. There are other items where more conversation or feedback was required to achieve a smooth transition.

Under 14s transition

The U14s group (coached by Sean McKenzie) will still train with the Juniors on Saturday afternoons. Daryle Rigney will be the Team Manager for the U14s/15s at carnivals to support a smooth transition into senior competition.

Board and Ski Event 1

The 2015/16 season will get underway with the first of two board and ski events.

Board and Ski Event 1 is to be held on Saturday 10th October at Seacliff SLSC. Marshaling will be from 8am with the event to be held from 9-11am (approximately).

This event is open to U14 – Masters (board) and U17 – Masters (ski).

Please see the attached circular for further information.
C15062 Board and Ski nominations

If you would like to participate in this event please email Karin Humphrey at by 5pm Monday 5th October.

Beach Captain Wanted!!

This season we are looking at holding a weekly training session that is specifically focussed on beach events: – flags, sprints, relays and the 2k run.
Our aim is for the group to include all of those that are keen from U12s up so that this group can develop through the later Junior ages and continue into Seniors.

We are looking for someone (more than one person definitely an option) prepared to run this session (day and time to be negotiated).
We will provide you with all of the support needed (including contact with those at other clubs doing the same role).
So – if you are a bit of a ‘beachie’ yourself and would like to share your knowledge and ‘talent’ and/or you are keen to help out in an area that we are eager to develop please let Karin Humphrey know at

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Announcing the Senior Surf Sports Committee

On Monday 14th September the Senior Surf Sports Committee called it’s first meeting for the 2015/16 season.
Amongst other agenda items key positions within the committee were decided. These are as follows:

– Senior Competiton Officer (voted at AGM) – Karin Humphrey
– Secretary – Kerry Schulz
– U14s coach – Sean McKenzie
– Ski Captain – Sean McKenzie (supported by Laurence Fletcher)
– Board Captain – Sean McKenzie (supported by Nick Penny)
– Swim Captain – Trent Bampton
– Boat Captain – Steve Sims
– Beach Captain – TBA
– Youth Development Officer (senior representative) – Paige Purdie

General committee members include – Craig Lienert, Donna Giannetta, Greg McKenzie and Jeff Bampton.

On carnival days Daryle Rigney will be the Team Manager for the U14/15 age groups.

Please feel free to chat to any member of our committee should you have any questions/require any information.