Pool Lifesaving Training Update

Apologies for the cancellation of training last weekend, we have now borrowed the gear required for training. For the next three weeks we will also be including training for pool lifesaving state titles on Wednesday night club swimming. This will be open to everyone from U12s (season 15/16 age) and up who is planning on competing (plus normal Club training swimmers), and will come with the standard cost of $4 per person. The planned Saturday sessions will still go ahead as normal at the Parks Swim Centre (2nd July and 9th July from 1:30-3:30pm), these sessions will be fully funded by the club.

Entries close 5th July so please let us know so we can have entries finalised. Please see attached circular for list of events, rough timetable and more information

Pool Lifesaving State titles Circular


Pool Rescue State Champs Training Sessions

As has previously been advertised – Pool Rescue State Championships are to be held on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July.
This is the last event of the 2015/16 season and is open to current (15/16) U12s and above.
Details re nominations will be sent out soon.

In order to support all those that are keen to enter gain an understanding of and practice the various races to be held we have organised 3 training sessions at The Parks Recreation and Sports Centre (Cowan Street Angle Park).
These sessions will be held on Saturday 25th June, Saturday 2nd July and Saturday 9th July from 1.303.30pm and will be coached by Trent Bampton and Sean McKenzie.
There will be NO cost to participate in training as this has been fully funded by the club.

We are hoping to have a strong team at Pool Champs this year so come along to the training sessions and see what a great and fun event this is!

Pool Rescue State Championships – Save the Date

The 2016 Pool Rescue State Championships are to be held on Saturday 16th July and Sunday 17th July (times to be advised) at the State Aquatic Centre, 443 Morphett Road Oaklands Park.

Events in these championships are open to competitors in U12s and above (age group as per the 2015/16 season).

Event and entry details coming soon.

We are keen to gauge the number of members keen to compete as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly (including specific training sessions).

If you want to compete and/or would like further information please email Karin Humphrey at kaz412@bigpond.com.

Club Working Bee

Previous years has seen us run our Club Working Bee in September near the start of the season. The problem with that is a lot of damaged craft and other problems are forgotten over the winter period.

This year we will be running our first Club Working Bee on Sunday 29th May. Our goal is to check all gear for damage so we can plan to get it repaired over winter. Undertake a clean up and identify small and simple projects that we can complete over winter or at the next working bee.

The Working will run from 12-4pm, followed immediately by a boaties and a board/ski meeting, a BBQ and finally the club draw

If you have some time and are keen to help get the preseason started well then we would love to see you there. This is a whole club cleanup, so, many hands make light work!

Club Champs

Just a reminder that this Saturday is club champs for the whole club. Seniors please be at the club at 7:30am for a 8:30 start, there is lots to set up!

If you haven’t completed your 1km time trial (U19s up) your remaining chances are Wednesday night 5-6pm and Friday night 5-6pm, please see Aaron Lowe


Nippers will start at normal time, events include; swim, board, beach sprint, flags, wade and marathon iron person.


Look forward to seeing everyone there

semaphore logo top

Care of Equipment

Members need to remember to look after all our Equipment as it is often hard and expensive to replace. The club vehicle was found on Monday full of sand. Underneath the car, the dashboard and including in the air vents. If you use it on the beach, please ensure you wash the outside down and vacuum the inside out. If you have to deflate the tires to get on or off the beach it is YOUR job to re-inflate them. We have a compressor and tire attachment in the patrol area, it shouldn’t be up to someone else.


From Aaron-

Right – I don’t get cranky often but the careless driving of ATVs running into the old Snowy Wallace Wooden surf boat in the Patrol room is starting to get to me.  The boat is an excellent piece of rowing history is one of a few remaining wooden surf boats in the country, triple laminate wood only a few millimetres thick. We want to restore it this winter and already the original irreplaceable sponsor decal and the first layer of laminate is damaged.




Please ensure we are looking after all boards and skis as we are less than 5 weeks from senior states. Getting equipment fixed now is extremely hard

Nippers Weekly Update

Hi Everyone


This week we have normal training for on Saturday and a carnival at Glenelg on Sunday, the program for Sunday is listed below. We will have our meals and presentation back on the club on Sunday afternoon from 5.00pm.


After Carnival Menu 

Kids $7.00 

Adults $10.00


Chicken or Beef Schnitzel

Served with chips & your choice of gravy, mushroom or pepper sauce


Beef Korma

Mild beef curry with chickpeas and spinach served with steamed rice & a pappadum


Warm Chicken Salad

Grilled chicken tenderloins, mixed lettuce, carrot, cucumber, red capsicum, Spanish onion & sun-dried tomatoes served with or without a balsamic dressing (GF)


Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli

Topped with a roasted tomato sauce and parmesan cheese


Fish & Chips

Crispy beer battered flathead served with chips


Well done to all our Semaphore Gold competitors from last Saturday and thank you to everyone who helped out on the day.

Congratulations to our winners

Under 13’s Jasmin Gibbons & Cooper Clee

Runners Up Charlize Williams & Charlie Conybeare

Under 12’s Teagan Richards & Will Larven

Runners Up Ella Andrews & Willis Lienert


Our overall winners were Teagan Richards & Will Larven.


Again congratulations to our senior competitors for the champion lifesaver results – 10 competitors and 7 medals well done!


We are still looking for more juniors to participate in March Past – if you are interested please let me know or speak with Brooke and Kelly on Saturday.


Remember the fund raising car wash is on again and $10 gets’ your car washed and raises money to send our competitors to the Aussie Titles in April in Queensland. If you need your car washed please let me know and we will arrange that for you.


We have ordered more skull caps which we hope to receive in the coming weeks, we also have a great range of bathers in stock including girls and ladies engine bathers.


This week’s roster is:

Date Event BBQ Board Washing Finish Training with
Wednesday, 10 February 2016 Pool Swimming 7-8pm Largs Bay      
Friday, 12 February 2016 Board Training 5-6pm      
Saturday, 13 February 2016 Junior Training U12 U9 IronPerson
Sunday, 14 February 2016 Junior Carnival 4 – Glenelg      



Carnival Format for Sunday at Glenelg:



Junior News 12/1

Hi Everyone,


As we prepare for the Carnival on Sunday  17th January a couple of things:


Date Event BBQ Board Washing Finish Training with
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 Pool Swimming 7-8pm Largs Bay      
Friday, 15 January 2016 Board Training 5-6pm      
Saturday, 16 January 2016 Junior Training Normal Start Time U8 U13 Iron Person
Sunday, 17 January 2016 Junior Carnival 3 – Seacliff U9-U13      


Click on the link to download the carnival program:



Your age group manager will let you what time to report to the beach on Sunday.


Don’t forget to purchase a ticket in our raffle, tickets are 3 for $5 with a chance to win prizes to the value of $650 tickets available from the bar and uniform shop.


After Carnival Menu all members welcome on Sunday evening for the carnival wrap up.

Kids $7.00

Adults $10.00

Chicken or Beef Schnitzel

Served with chips & your choice of gravy, mushroom or pepper sauce

Beef Korma

Mild beef curry with onion & potato served with steamed rice & a pappadum

Warm Chicken Salad

Grilled chicken tenderloins, mixed lettuce, carrot, cucumber, red capsicum, Spanish onion & sun-dried tomatoes served with or without a balsamic dressing (GF)

Vegetarian Burger

Pumpkin & chickpea pattie with lettuce, tomato, cheese & mayo on a burger bun served with chips

Fish & Chips

Crispy beer battered flathead served with chips Meals and carnival wrap up from 5.30pm


We also have a stocked range of merchandise in the uniform shop for you to purchase as well.





Business as usual

We would just like to remind everyone that business is back as usual as of today.

Thursday Schnitzel night from 6pm

Friday full bistro from 6pm

Saturday and Sunday bar only from 3pm

Nippers returns as usual this Saturday, briefing on the lawn at 1pm

Nippers Weekly Update

Welcome to 2016

I hope everyone has had the opportunity to relax and refresh for the second half of the season. I have attached the Junior Calender from January to the end of the season for Under 7 to Under 13, including Club Champs, Carnivals and Presentation Day. You will see two different presentation days one for the Under 7 and Under 8 group and one for the Under 9 to Under 13 group. The presentation day for Monday March 14 is open to all junior members and will kick off with our traditional shaving cream fight on the beach.


I have also included some details including links to two exciting and fun events coming up, the Nipperthon being held at West Beach on Saturday January 23rd and the Brighton Jetty Classic held on Sunday February 7.


As a reminder Pool Swimming  recommences Wednesday January 6 at 7.00pm at the Largs Bay Swimming Centre and Board Training recommences on Friday January 8 at 5.00pm at the Club.


We also pleased to announce that the Semaphore Gold that will be held for the Under 12 & 13 this year, this will be the iron person event for these age groups to use for their club championship points. The event consists of a 2km run to the Semaphore Jetty, 2km board paddle back to the breakwater, 500m run. 800m swim and a 500m run to finish it off. This will be held on Saturday February 6th.


We also have a stocked range of merchandise in the uniform shop for you to purchase as well. I look forward to seeing you all on the beach.

junior calendar 2016