Choose your own Adventure raffle closes soon!

Last chance to grab a ticket in Club’s “Choose your own Adventure” Raffle!

Skydive or tour the McLaren Vale wineries, whatever takes your fancy.

Tickets are available at the Club.  The raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the AGM on Sunday July 23rd.

The Surf Life Saving Club Rebuilding Program

Over the past 15 years you would have noticed many clubs have undergone major refurbishment or rebuilding.  This has been made possible by the current funding arrangement involving the State Government, local councils and Surf Lifesaving SA where the development costs are shared on  a 56/33/11% basis respectively.

Funding from the State Government is now available for Semaphore to undergo a refurbishment and the Club’s Building Committee is working on getting the detailed design work, relevant council building approvals, tendering process etc underway in order to commence physical work in early 2016 in line with the Board of Management’s proposed timeline.  The initial expectations are that the building works will cost around $1.8m with the Club to fund 11% of that.

Works upstairs will include relocating the internal stairs with a new entry point in the eastern part of the club, an upgrading of the toilets, the removal of the dividing wall to make one single open area, and new sliding doors to replace the windows that face out onto the balcony.  Downstairs work will include significant structural changes to make better use of the space which will result in a new first aid room and a well overdue upgrade of the change room facilities.

As the project proceeds information will be provided to members to keep you up to date.  Currently, the architects that the club has engaged have commenced developing the detailed design work with the expectation that a first draft will be available for viewing and feedback from members within a few weeks.

On another note, at the time of writing this, it is expected the deed of funding with the Commonwealth Government for the new shed facility will be signed by Surf Lifesaving SA by the end of the week.  This will release the funding and allow Owen Richards and his team from Blubuilt (the successful tenderers) to commence building in the not too distant future.  Included in the funding agreement will be a new PWC (jetski) and an ATV which SLSSA is currently sourcing.

Certainly some exciting times ahead for the Club.  If you have any fundraising ideas please feel free to share them.  We are all in this together.  Many hands make light work.


Pat Hansen


Semaphore SLSC Building Committee


Juniors Weekly Report – a final word from our hard working Convenor

Thanks to

Hi Everyone,


Congratulations on finishing equal third with Brighton at State Titles for the Juniors and well done to everyone who was part of our junior program this season. A full copy of the results are available via this link:



Well, what a State Titles it was!  The weekend would have not been possible without the countless hours of work from our volunteers including the working party on the beach, volunteers on the food stall and BBQ, Water Cover on the beach, officials, parents and kids. To all our age group leaders and assistants thank you for a great season.


Leading in to the weekend a number of our members had taken time off work to make this possible.  Special thanks to Lorren Atwell and everyone who worked on the BBQ and food stall, Dave McGrath “Doggsy” and Jay Atwell for organising the container and generator.


Steve Sims and the entire working party who worked all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Without the work they did the carnival would not have happened. Carnival officials made comment that when the carnival is at Semaphore they know that the working party deliver every time without fail. So thank you again.


Thank you to Symons and Clark and Kerry Logistics, Neil Bisset and Metricon for their supply of the portable toilets and attire for the working party.  Thank you Semaphore Bakehouse for the pies, pasties, sausage rolls and donuts. Thank you to the Purdie family.


It has been an exciting and at times challenging season and now it comes to an end. I would like to thank and congratulate our 164 participants across all age groups this season.


I would like to take the opportunity to thank Doggsy and Leanne for co-ordinating our Saturday water cover and all the water cover personnel who gave up their time to take care of us in the water.


We also need to thank our Media personnel, Steph, & Claire and the people behind the scene Kate & Rhys for sending out our weekly newsletter.  I would also like to thank our uniform shop team headed up by Mardi Lienert each weekend.


We also need to thank Lorren Atwell and her canteen helpers each weekend – Wendy, Catherine & Heather for co-ordinating the canteen being open at the start and end of training and all the parents who assisted in the canteen.  Thank you to Sean Kenny for setting up the beach and our senior members who have come out to lend a hand this year with the juniors, including Paige, Luke, Jack, Zac, Myia, Cooper, Josh, Bianca, Zoe, Lindsay, Sam and Sean McKenzie –  thank you.


I would also like to thank our Friday night board training water cover  Andrew, Craig , Craig, Kate, Brenton, Megan, Tracey Michelle, Michelle, Owen, Mick and Paul and if I missed anyone thank you.


Thanks to Ian Biggs and Brad Tunbridge for taking care of our pool swimming on a Wednesday night.  To my assistant Bruce Moseley thank you for your support throughout the year.


On behalf of all age groups we would like to thank Kerry Schulz not only for ordering our uniforms, but ensuring all competitors from all age groups have been entered in the competition entry system so they could participate in the recent state titles. Also thank you to Raelene Donnell for co-ordinating our correct quota of officials at each carnival, organising R&R teams that performed so well, along with the coaches, Freaky, Tony and Celeste and special mention to Gus Wickman who coached Will and Willis but sadly passed away last month- your efforts are greatly appreciated. Brooke and Kelly Jones for coaching our March Past Teams throughout the season thank you and well done.

On a personal note I would like to thank my family for their support over the last three seasons whilst I have been junior convenor and without their understanding this would not be possible.


Congratulations and well done to everyone!




Senior Wrap Up from Head Coach Sean McKenzie

A big well done to everyone who trained and raced this season, it was a very long one. We had some impressive results with people getting their best results ever. Good luck to Nic Schulz who heads off to race at the Lifesaving Australian Titles on the Gold Coast from the 25th March-2nd April. Nic has a had a huge season which began in October for the Coolangatta Gold, then Interstates in January, lots of medals and top 6 placings at state titles and will finish up next week.

A big thankyou to Julian and everyone at Paddle2Fitness. These guys have put together our training program every single week from June last year all the way up to state titles, this has no doubt helped our competitors get the best results or just be a fitter person than they were. We probably wouldn’t have had the results we got without them. Hopefully we can continue our partnership leading into World Titles in November 2018.


Winter Training updates will come out shortly after our coaches and competitors have a well-earned rest. Senior Swim training will resume on Wednesday 29th March into the earlier time slot of 7-8pm, a big thankyou to Trent and his helpers who continue to train our members.

We will soon be looking at starting training for pool lifesaving championships. These are held at the Marion Swim Centre in June, and we will then push onto the Australian pool lifesaving championships here in Adelaide early August. We had a lot of success last time this event was held in Adelaide and we would love to have a strong team entered again.

Still time to lend a hand and lighten the load of the dedicated volunteer crew

Thank you to all the selfless volunteers that have helped in the food tent/bbq/kitchen over the last 2 days at the Junior State Titles. Your contribution has been amazing. Thank you especially to those who don’t even have children competing this weekend but have donated their time, understanding that it is an all in Club event.

We have one day to go and if you have time free please pop up and grab some tongs or help serve.  Perhaps you have time in between your child’s events.  Every little bit helps and it will give those who are spending hours covering shifts an opportunity to have a break.

Let’s make this the best States and finish off with a bang! We will be in the tents from 5:30am Sunday morning.

Final call for Junior State Titles Volunteers

A reminder to all those who’ve signed up to assist with Junior State Titles this weekend, our first army of volunteers will be required Friday night during R & R events.

We are still seeking volunteers to help out on Saturday and Sunday, particularly during the hours of 12pm-4pm.  Many hands make light work as the saying goes!

Whether your children are competing or not over the weekend, the entire Club stands to benefit from the honour of holding this event.  Your support will be greatly appreciated.


Juniors Weekly Update

Thanks to

HI Everyone,

Firstly a special mention this week…

That’s a wrap for Ella Andrews, Naish Allen, Emily Atwell, Sarah Edwards,  Neli Hickman, Matilda Kaftan, Will Larven, Willis Lienert and Teagan Richards as they compete for the last time under the junior banner, we wish them all well competing on their home turf at Junior States this coming weekend.


Just a reminder we have no board training on Friday night with R&R marshalling commencing at 5.00pm on Friday afternoon with competition starting at 5.30pm.  Click here for the Junior R&R State Champs Program.

Meals will be available from 5.00pm Friday, Saturday & Sunday over the weekend at the club.


Please note both days start at 8.15am so all competitors will need to be on the beach no later than 7.45am.  Click here for the Junior States Program.


Car parking is on the reserve with a $2 donation to the Rotary Club of West Lakes who will be organising the car parking on both days. The entrance to the car park will be via the gate at the southern end of the reserve closer to Recreation Parade.  Click here for State Titles Location Map 2017 (2)


We still require assistance with the food and drink stalls on Saturday and Sunday afternoon if you can assist please text me with your name.


Junior end of season presentation will commence after the beach has been packed up and everyone has had a chance to get something to eat on Sunday afternoon. Don’t forget your shaving cream for the traditional shaving cream fight at the end of the competition.


Meals will commence from 5.00pm with the after carnival menu consisting of:

  • Beef/ chicken schnitzels with choice of gravy
  • Tandoori chicken
  • Fish and chips
  • Hamburger
  • Falafel or chicken salad
  • Spaghetti Bolognese


I would like to take the opportunity to wish all our competitors both junior and seniors all the very best for the weekend and see you on the beach.




Senior State championship and Club championship presentation.

The Senior state championship and Club championship presentation will be held this weekend, with a delicious menu on offer.  Come along and support our Senior members who have had a big year of training and competition.



Meals from  6pm Sunday 12th

March Presentation 7.30


Menu :

Butter chicken

Chicken  $ Beef schnitzel

Butter fish

Chicken/falafel salad

Penna pasta with carbonara sauce





Come and celebrate what was another great season of competition at Semaphore.


All members welcome.

Your chance to have a say on the Club Redevelopment

There are exciting times ahead for the Club.  We are progressing well through the various approval stages for our Club redevelopment and as the indicative start date of physical works is scheduled for January 2018, the detailed design phase of the project has begun.

The Club is seeking the input of interested members to provide ideas and suggestions on many aspects of the redevelopment to inform our final design.

A meeting for that purpose will be conducted by our project manager, John Kantilaftas on Sunday the 5th of March at 3:00pm at the club.

Information gathered at the meeting will be provided to the architects to be considered as part of their design concept development.

We look forward to receiving your valued input.


Mick Kenny

President SLSC

Still seeking volunteers for the Junior State Titles


Semaphore SLSC has the great honour of hosting this year’s Junior State Titles on March 17th, 18th and 19th.  It’s a massive event for our Club and one that will no doubt be successful.  The success of it is up to ALL of us involved at the Club.

These events don’t run themselves though and so we are seeking the support of our wonderful membership to make this a cracker!  For a few weeks now several lists have been circulating and members have been encouraged to select a job and time-slot.  We appreciate those members that have already signed up, some for several shifts across the two days.  But there are still several gaps across the two days, particularly the Food and Drink Tents.

Whilst this is a Juniors carnival, it’s a whole club event and that means that we are all going to benefit from it and we are all responsible for it’s success.  We are looking for parents from Juniors, as well as Seniors, Masters and non-competing members to share the load.  Many hands make light work!  So many of us receive great benefits from our Family Club.  We have a tireless team of volunteers, week in week out, that get the job done.  Let’s make sure it’s not left up to those same people to cover such a significant event.

So let’s do this team!  Find a reason to make a difference.  Part of being in a Club is contributing to the Club.  We know we have got the right members to take this on board.  Make the commitment and share in the experience of the weekend.

Please text Lorren on 0432 497 107 and help make our Family Club a place to be proud of.