Looking to form R and R teams for 2018 Aussies

Club Vice President Mark Donnell has been officiating at Aussies and he’s inspired!

I am looking for any bronze members that are interested in learning R&R, no previous experience necessary. Looking to coach a 5 person, 6 person and mixed team to compete at Aussies next year. My experience: zero in coaching r&r, officiating at Aussies finals last two years, been around it all my life. Parents welcome, u17 welcome, u19 welcome

Expressions of interest can be sent to Mark via email. 

Seniors Weekly Update

We now have a chance to catch our breath and have a look at the achievements of our competitors over 3 days of State titles. There were many fantastic results with competition starting in Champ Lifesaver. Sean McKenzie won Gold in open men with Nic Schulz getting Silver. Nick also got Gold in the U19 men. Zac Buck got Silver in the U15 men.

On day 1 Luke Zille finished with Silver in the Belt race. The duo of Nic Schulz and Danny Humphrey managed to grab Silver in Board rescue. In R&R our girls showed how it is done with Mykenzie Low and Emma Weir taking Silver and our open 5 person women made up of Ash Reeves, Celeste McGregor, Paige Purdie, Leah Mahney  and April O”toole grabbing hold of the Gold.  Nic Schulz,  Danny Humphrey and Luke Zille got Silver in the U19s men’s Taplin

Day 2 saw Nick Hansen getting his hands on a Silver medal in the in the U14 mens sprint. In the water our U19 mens Surf team of Nic Schulz, Danny Humphrey, Luke Zille and Cooper Lienert  performed strongly to get the Bronze medal. In the U19 mens board race Nic Schulz came across the line in the Bronze position. Nic and Danny teamed up in the double ski to paddle strongly to and grab a Silver medal.

Day 3 saw Sean McKenzie take Bronze in the Over 24 restricted surf race. Luke Zille followed up Seans  efforts with a Bronze in the U19 men’s surf race. Nic Schulz in U19 Iron  and Connor Tunbridge in U15 Iron both exceeded their expectations with phenomenal performances demonstrating that hard work really can pay off both getting Gold.

In the Masters we had some great results from our only 3 woman masters competitors. Katie Newman grabbed Bronze in the beach sprint with Donna Giannetta getting Silver in both Iron and Surf swim. Katie and Donna Teamed up with Tina Williams in the Surf team swim to get Bronze. Our 160 men’s surfboat crew got Silver with 4 state championships completed over 4 years and 4 medals, its a great effort by the boys.

We had many other great performances over the State titles which don’t go unnoticed.

After it was all said and done the masters group came away with 44 points and 12th position. Our Senior group attracted 116 points finishing a credible 8th in the state.

I would like to thank the many who have assisted me over the competition season. Without your help and you know who you are we simply would not be able to get the team to the beach and compete at such a high level. Thank you all.


Craig Lienert, Senior competition officer 2016/17 season.

Senior Wrap Up from Head Coach Sean McKenzie

A big well done to everyone who trained and raced this season, it was a very long one. We had some impressive results with people getting their best results ever. Good luck to Nic Schulz who heads off to race at the Lifesaving Australian Titles on the Gold Coast from the 25th March-2nd April. Nic has a had a huge season which began in October for the Coolangatta Gold, then Interstates in January, lots of medals and top 6 placings at state titles and will finish up next week.

A big thankyou to Julian and everyone at Paddle2Fitness. These guys have put together our training program every single week from June last year all the way up to state titles, this has no doubt helped our competitors get the best results or just be a fitter person than they were. We probably wouldn’t have had the results we got without them. Hopefully we can continue our partnership leading into World Titles in November 2018.



Winter Training updates will come out shortly after our coaches and competitors have a well-earned rest. Senior Swim training will resume on Wednesday 29th March into the earlier time slot of 7-8pm, a big thankyou to Trent and his helpers who continue to train our members.

We will soon be looking at starting training for pool lifesaving championships. These are held at the Marion Swim Centre in June, and we will then push onto the Australian pool lifesaving championships here in Adelaide early August. We had a lot of success last time this event was held in Adelaide and we would love to have a strong team entered again.

Senior State championship and Club championship presentation.

The Senior state championship and Club championship presentation will be held this weekend, with a delicious menu on offer.  Come along and support our Senior members who have had a big year of training and competition.



Meals from  6pm Sunday 12th

March Presentation 7.30


Menu :

Butter chicken

Chicken  $ Beef schnitzel

Butter fish

Chicken/falafel salad

Penna pasta with carbonara sauce





Come and celebrate what was another great season of competition at Semaphore.


All members welcome.

Seniors States Day 1, 2 and 3 and Masters Boats Information

After reviewing entries for Senior States Day 1, the Youth Cameron heats will not be run this weekend.
All those entered this weekend have automatically qualified for the Cameron finals that will be run on day 3 of States as per program.
** No further entries will be taken for this event ( Please note: Youth Male may need to run a semi on Day 3 pending conditions at Moana).
Day 2 & 3 programs will be released in the coming days.

We have reviewed the officials quota for Senior States Day 1, due to only running two water Arenas & No sprints or flags for this event.
Clubs who required 2- 4 officials have dropped by 1, clubs who required 5+ officials has dropped by 2. Updated requirements can be found in the attached circular.


  • As per previous seasons – we do not allow entries on the day for championship events. If you have any entrants you would like to entered that is not on your ems, you need to notify State Centre prior to noon the working day before the carnival.
    This is so eligibility requirements can be checked for both Juniors & Seniors. You will still be able to change entries for competitors already entered into the carnival on the day ( Administration fees apply).
  • As per previous seasons – Clubs can only nominate One team for the All Age Beach Relay

Master Surf Boats @ South Port

  • Please see attached note from South Port SLSC regarding festivities down at the club

8:30am carnival committee meeting

8:40am team managers meeting

8:50am marshal for first race

9:00am gun


For categories with 6 or less crews there will be three rounds of round robin and for categories with 7+ there will be three rounds and a final

C16091 Senior Day 1 & Junior Quals Final (1)

Masters Boats States South Port (1)


Senior States Day 2 & 3 @ Moana

  • Moana Surf Club is open for meals on Friday prior to states from 6pm. The club serves a variety of “pub style” meals at $15 and under. They will also be putting on some specials for Senior States competitors. Bookings are essential to Karen on 0439 081 258 orsocialandbusiness@moanaslsc.com.au
  • The club is also considering opening for meals on the Saturday evening, although this is down to interest. For any competitors staying at the campsite, this might be ideal for you. If you are interested in a group booking, please contact Karen.
  • Moana Beach Tourist Park has some great deals on for the weekend, book in quick as spaces are going fast! Contact Barry on 8327 0677

Masters Circular including latest corrections and additions.

Please note the correction to the Masters Circular below (and updated circular attached):

The Masters Surf Boat State Championships will be held at South Port, not Aldinga. In addition please find attached a notice from South Port for after the carnival.

Please familiarise yourself with the current SLSA policy 5.9 – Masters Competition Policy

In addition we will send out the full event list on Monday.

Any questions please contact Abbey or I.

download these for more information.
Masters competition policy

masters states boatsSouth Port

Masters States Nominations

Have a great weekend.

Aaron Tannahill
(Acting) Surf Sports Manager
Surf Life Saving SA

ph: 08-8354 6900 | office direct ph: 08-8354 6914 | mob: 0434 516 284

Circular regarding Nominations for Junior Quals, Senior States Day 1 and Senior R & R Champs

Nominations are now sought from clubs for the following championship events:
2017 Junior State Championship Qualifying Carnival (Glenelg February 25th)
2017 Senior States Day 1 (Glenelg February 26th)
2017 Senior R&R State Championships (Glenelg February 26th)

Click on the Link for further info.

Junior Qualifying and Senior States Day 1 Info

Australian Surf Life Saving Championships 2017 Board Riding Competition Circular

The Australian Surf Life Saving Championships 2017 – Board Riding competition will be held from Monday 27th March to Friday 31st March 2017.

All competitors and team managers are encouraged to read the attached circular, which contains important information about this event. Click on the link below.

Circular 46 16-17 Aussies Board Riding Competition 2017

semaphore logo top

Seniors Weekly Report

Robe carnival

The Robe carnival on Feb 11&12 is almost upon us . For those staying at Tarooki you should have received an invoice for accommodation . As you may have noticed Tarooki has revised it’s nightly  rate to $28/head. Could you please have this paid beforehand if possible. We have put the word out to other clubs that we still have quite a few beds available so please make these people welcome. I suggest byo bbq or take away for Friday night and for Saturday night a meal at the Robe hotel. For any people not staying at Tarooki you are of course welcome to join us for the bbq and Saturday night at the hotel.  Please let me know about Saturday night asap so I can book.

Also get your entry into Kerry Schulz by Monday 6th of Feb.  Use Senior competition facebook page or email kschulz1000@gmail.com


Senior club champs

Senior club champs will be held on Saturday 18th Feb starting at 9am. Senior club champs includes all age groups from U14s to Masters and Open.

Events will include;






Beach sprint

1 km rowing ergo

There is no need to pre enter for the champs just turn up and be ready to start at 9.


Masters surf sports training

Trent Bampton will be running masters training sessions on Friday afternoons starting on Friday 3rd Feb at 5.30. These sessions will include board,ski and swim. No experience is necessary.


Craig Lienert,   Senior competition officer.

Seniors Weekly report

Robe Carnival:

The senior group has Tarooki Campsite booked for the Robe carnival on the 11th and 12th of February.  Taroorki is a 72 bed bunkhouse comprising of 7 bunk rooms and 4 double ensuite rooms (single beds). It also has a professional kitchen,  cool  room and hall. Cost is $27/person/night. Any club members are welcome to join the senior comp group for a great weekend away. Please see Craig Lienert to secure your spot or email to cmccwlienert@gmail.com .


State team selection:

Two of our competitors have been selected to represent the state at the Interstate Championships on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Congratulations to Nic Schulz and Connor Tunbridge who will be proudly wearing the Semaphore cap in Queensland from January 20. The Senior comp group is very proud of you both as I’m sure the whole club is. We know you will perform at your very best and represent your club and state to the best of your ability. Good luck from all of us.


New Boat captain:

With the recent resignation of Aaron Low as boat captain Steve Simms has stepped up to fill the role for the remainder of the season. Aaron has also stepped down as club sweep. Marty Davidson will be sweeping at carnivals with Paul Johnstone assisting with training duties.

Steve (Simsy) Simms has called a meeting for all crews and individuals to discuss the way ahead for the remainder of the season. The meeting will be on Saturday 14th Jan at 4.00 pm at the club. Please attend if you can.

I would also like to thank Aaron for his incredible efforts over the past few years. Your drive and passion will be missed.


Middleton Carnival:

Middleton beach really turned it on last Sunday with surf in the 2 to 3 foot range on the sets. We had a strong contingent of male competitors in all age groups bar masters and  one  female competitor. It would be great to see some more girls competing at the next carnival. Having said that the U23 woman boat crew performed very well in strong surf conditions with new sweep Marty D. The girls secured 3rd at the completion of 5 tough races. Great effort girls, I really think you are in contention for a medal at states.

Many thanks to our officials and water cover who attended. Without these people we would not be unable to compete or the carnival be held.


Upcoming events:

8@8 Ski racing 14th January at Brighton (8am) see Ocean paddling facebook page

West beach pink and blue swim 21 January

Champ lifesaver/Champ patrol 4th February Southport


Craig Lienert   senior competition officer.