Junior Weekly Report

Happy New New Year to all, it’s time to get back on the beach for some surf fun!


Board Training 

Board Training will be on this Friday night.  Meet on the grass next to the Club at 5pm for a 5:15pm start.


Nippers Training 

Nippers Training resumes on Saturday 6th January at this stage at the normal time of 12:45pm.  However if the weather is as hot as forecast Nippers will start earlier with a modified program. Should the forecasted temperature in Saturday’s Advertiser be 38 degrees or over then training will start at 11am.  This will also be confirmed via E-mail and SMS on Friday Night/Saturday morning so keep an eye out.


Post Training BBQ

With the canteen now closed until next season, a BBQ will be will be available post training, with Under 11s the first Age Group to assist with cooking and service.


Branch Carnival Sunday 14th January

The next branch carnival is next Sunday 14th January ant Henley Beach SLSC.  Sign on from 8:30am, events start at 9am with an expected finish time of 11am.  Click the link below for details.

Branch Carnival 2 Event  Schedule


Branch Carnival Finale 

The branch carnivals held this season will culminate in a finale scheduled for February 3rd at Southport SLSC. At this finale, a whole branch will be considered as one team. For us that means the Western Branch with our teammates being Henley Beach, West Beach, Grange, and North Haven. All branch members that have attended 1 Branch Event as well as 1 State Carnival will be eligible to participate. The new format will focus on a new Branch versus Branch format creating a competitive environment for all branch members. (inclusive not exclusive)


Date – Saturday 3rd Feb

Time – 7.30am Marshalling / 12.30 Presentation

Cost – Fee Event ( Branch Caps will be provided for each event )

Venue – Southport SC

Branches – Western vs Holdfast vs Midcoast/Southern

Ages – Under 9 to Under 14

Events – 7 Events (each competitor can be selected for a maximum of 4 events)


Click on the link below for further details:

Branch Finale Information


One last thing – welcome back for the second half of the season and remember please be surf and sun smart.

See you on the beach!


Under 13’s prepare for transition into Youth group

As of the first training back on January 6th, U13s are asked to train at 10am on Saturdays with the youth development group until the end of the season.

This will assist with their transition into the youth group.


Luke Zille

Juniors Weekly report

Congratulations to all of our juniors that competed in Carnival 2 at Glenelg on Sunday.  It was a fantastic effort across the board.  The Club is very proud of you!


Wednesday night swimming training

Junior Swimming Training will run as per normal this Wednesday at Largs Bay Swim Centre 7pm-8pm.


Christmas Raffle Winners

The Christmas Raffle was draw at the Club during the Junior Christmas Breakup, and we are searching for the winners of the major prizes:

1st Prize

Winner – Costal Skydive – Sky Diving experience                                          Red Ticket E06

Ticket was sold over the bar but no name included on the ticket


2nd Prize

Winner – Family Pass to Monarto Zoo and Adelaide Zoo (BCI Sales SA)      Red Ticket E07

Ticket was sold over the bar but no name included on the ticket

(YES, we couldn’t believe it either)


3rd Prize

Winner – 12 Bottles of Mixed Wine                                                               Pink Ticket W48

Congratulations Jason Ellul


4th Prize

Winner – Beerenburg Gift Basket                                                               Apricot Ticket O09

Congratulations Anna Vickery


5th Prize

Hair by Jo Sym-Choon Voucher $80                                                           Orange Ticket O26

Congratulations P Barnes


1st and 2nd winners will need to provide their ticket stub in order to claim the prizes


A Big THANK YOU to our Canteen Staff

The Board of Management would like to extend a well-earned Thank You to our Canteen Staff who have volunteered their time to ensure our Nippers had access to great food, snacks and beverages prior to and after training on Saturdays. There will be more than a few kids and adults that will miss their weekly pre-training Toastie or Nugget Roll and post-training Nachos, Hot Dog, or Hot Chips, I think I even saw a Chiko Roll the other day!!

Thank You Lauren, Catherine and Heather, your efforts have been very much appreciated.

Please Note that the canteen will now be closed until after the club refurbishment.


Junior Christmas Breakup

Hope everyone enjoyed our Junior Christmas Breakup.  You should have received an e-mail regarding access to the photos taken with Santa on the day.  If not you can access a PDF of them here https://drive.google.com/open?id=11lDRfaHwrYTI3nR9LLk5z7SoLfcmmskL . If you would like full sized copies text Steph Breden on 0429 046 362 with your e-mail address, and the PDF page number(s) of the photo(s) required.


JUNIOR PARENTS – Want to get involved with your kids training?

Your kids love Nippers and we want you to get more involved in their experience. The best part is you add to your own.  Surf Life Saving is a rewarding experience for everyone, not just the kids!!  There are lots of different things that you can do and you don’t need to have come from a Surf Lifesaving background.  We have many parents who have gone on to become Patrol members, giving them the opportunity to provide Water Cover while their children are training.

After the Christmas / New Year break we will be seeking your involvement, either at training, or becoming more involved through roles such as event officials (it’s easier than you think), or patrolling members.

Please see your Age Group Manager, Junior Convener, or Junior Surf Secretary for more information or email – juniors@semaphoreslsc.com.au


Nippers returns on January 6th.  Enjoy the break and see you on the beach soon!

Seacliff SPR results

Congratulations to our competitiors that took part in the Seacliff SPR on the weekend. We had some great results across the board. We started the day off with Zac Buck winning the open 5km run.

In the water we had competitors competing in different categories, sorry if we missed anyone, with no clubs next to names it was hard to find our competitors at times.

U11-U13 SPR (500m Swim, 1km board paddle, 1km run)

Amy Buck 9th

Lilija Zampatti 10th

Jackson Clee 20th

U14-U15 SPR (1km swim, 2km board, 2km run)

Tegan Richards 3rd

Ella Andrews 4th

Cooper Clee 14th

Naish Allen 15th



Some great results with some fast times from everyone!


Club Raffle

Don’t forget to return your sold or unsold tickets at the beginning of junior training this week.

Junior Weekly Report

Message from Junior Convenor Bruce Moseley:

“I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Semaphore Nippers and their parents a Merry Christmas and safe New Year, as well as send a special thank you to all the Age Managers and Assistants for their hard work in the first half of this season.  We couldn’t do this without you!!”


There are a number of things to note this week:


Board training

Friday night Board Training will take place as usual.  Meet on the grass at the Club at 5pm.  A minimum of 4 Water Cover volunteers is required for training to go ahead.


Christmas Raffle

ALL Tickets (sold or unsold) must be returned by beginning of training this week.


Christmas Party/Break-up

Celebrations will take place after training this week. As such Nippers will finish at about 2:30pm.  There’ll be a visit from the man in the red suit at 4pm.

***Reminder this will be the last training for 2017.*** 



Junior Carnival 2 – Glenelg this Sunday.

Please advise your Age Group Manager if you are NOT planning to attend.

There have been no further changes to the details communicated via e-mail last week.  Any further changes will be communicated via e-mail as they come to light.

The carnival circular can be found via the following link:


but the event listing has been changed from the original and is shown below.

Post Carnival information – As usual MEALS will be available at the Club from 5:30pm with PRESENTATIONS to commence around 6:30pm.


Training will restart in 2018 on Saturday January 6th usual time and place.  

Come and Try will officially be finished after this week.  Anyone wanting to continue will need to sign up to a full membership. You can do so online using the following link https://sls.com.au/join/

User documentation is also available on this page to help guide you through the process.


Branch Carnival Number 2.

Another Branch carnival is scheduled for Sunday  January 14th at Henley Beach starting at 9am.  Program is currently being defined and will be communicated soon.


Dates to remember

December 25th 2017     –   Members Only – Xmas drinks on the balcony

January 6th  2018          –   First Training back for 2018

January 14th 2018         –   Next Branch Carnival (Henley Beach)

January 28th 2018         –   Nipperthon 2018 (West Beach)

Last chance to pick up a Canteen Special for the year!

Head down to the Club during Nippers training this Saturday and grab yourself a $5 Nugget Roll!  It’s your last chance to grab a tasty treat before the Canteen closes up for renovations.

Nippers Christmas Party!

Be sure to join in the celebrations on December 16th when the man in the big red suit makes a visit to the Club!

Merry christmas

Weekly Junior Report

A reminder that there is no Board training this week.  Nippers will be as per normal on Saturday, with the Canteen opening it’s doors for the last time before renovations.  The ever popular $5 Nugget rolls are back!


Next week will be the last Nippers of the year and to celebrate the festive season we’ll be holding our annual Nippers Christmas Party!  See below for all the details.



As mentioned previously Junior Carnival Number 2 has moved to Glenelg on December 17th.  More details on that coming soon.

See you on the beach!


No Junior Swimming training Wed 6/12/17

Due to swimming trials at Largs Bay Swim Centre this Wednesday (6/12/17) there will be no junior surf swimming training.  It will resume next week.