Entries by LIsa Zappia

Working Bee

10am-12am Sat April 2nd The club is looking for volunteers to come help clean-up downstairs at the club in preparation for the off season. Stay round for a sausage sizzle […]

What’s on this week

Saturday 26th March – Semaphore SLSC******* Nippers Presentation Day ********12:45pm – Muster on the grass12:50pm – 1:10pm u6/u7/u8 & Seabirds Presentations1:15pm – 2:00pm Colour Run on the Beach2:00pm – 2:30pm […]

AFL tipping

Great start to the Sema4 SLSC AFL Footy Tipping Comp with 53 people registered – the most ever! Don’t forget that as long as you are Financial ($50 paid), then […]