Membership Structure Review Committee

Membership Structure Review Committee

The Board of Management (BOM) would like to put out a call out for members interested in being involved in a Sub-Committee tasked with undertaking a review of Semaphore SLSC’s current membership pricing structure.  The aim will be to put forward a proposal to the BOM on what changes should be made to the membership categories and associated pricing, if accepted, then these changes will be applied from the beginning of the 2023/24 season.  The brief from the BOM is quite open ended, with some of the issues to potentially be considered:

·       Potential for user pays structure around surf competition fees.

·       Membership categories, age groups, competition status, family membership, social membership etc.

·       Potential for considering volunteer activities in membership structure.

The committee would meet 2-3 times across Feb-Apr, with recommendation at end of April.  If you are interested in participating, then please send a message to club treasurer, Brad Clee, by email

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