Online Proficiencies for 2017-18 Season

Online proficiencies for 2017-18 Season are here at  (please use Chrome or Google to access this even when using devices as Safari results in the course not being logged as completed.)
Once logged in (any issues with logging in call 1300 724 006) go to courses at the top of the page – this takes you to SLSA E-Learning – press login. Once in, press Training Library and pick Skill maintenance. Pick 2017/18 courses.
SRC to do Resuscitation & Radio
Bronze Resuscitation and radios
IRB crew and drivers to do the powercraft
ATV Training Guide is in the portal library, so go to this link and then click library. Go down to Lifesaving Learning Guides then you want to open ATV Operator Certificate Learning guide. If you bring this with your drivers licence on Proficiency days we will organise for you to be assessed as a driver. Proficiency dates will be released with Patrol Roster and there will again be 1 per patrol group before 31 December 2017.
Here are the dates for ARTC, SRC & Bronze proficiencies and those wishing to complete an ATV assessment (need to complete ATV operator workbook & bring drivers license to be sighted):
Sunday 8 October – Ducky Patrol
Saturday 14 October -Loydy Patrol
Sunday 15 October – Freaky Patrol
Saturday 21 October – Jones Patrol
Sunday 26 October– Tidwell Patrol
Saturday 2 December – Brooksy Patrol
Sunday 10 December – Simsy Patrol
Saturday 23 December – Wickman Patrol
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