Calling all Semaphore Surf Life Savers!

As you know, we have provided water cover for special events and school groups in the past and we have had a couple of enquiries about doing so again this summer. We are looking for patrol members (SRC or Bronze) to assist with three events we have coming up:

Kozii Enduro at West Lakes on Sunday 31/10/21 0800 – 1500. We need an IRB driver and crew. This is a great opportunity for our new drivers and crew to practice their new skills.

Salisbury North Primary School on Wednesday 1/12/21 0900 – 1400 at Semaphore Jetty. This is the refugee school group we have helped before and are an amazing bunch of kids and helping them has been one of the highlights of my time in surf life saving. There will be about 70 students and teacher so we will need an IRB driver and crew and SRC and Bronzies to be on boards and tubes. The more we get the better for this one.

Hope Christian College on Tuesday 7/12/21 1000 – 1400 at Point Malcolm Reserve. This is a big one with 170 students and teachers. They go in the water in groups so we will need an IRB crew and as many SRC and Bronze as we can get. Like last time they have asked us to cook a BBQ so we need some helpers for that as well as some people to assist with some beach activities.

We have easily done this in the past and it is a great way for the club to earn some extra money to go towards new equipment etc. If you are able to help out please let me know as soon as you can – especially for the Kozii Enduro for which I would like some names by this Friday. 

Please text me on 0409 692 522 or email if you can assist.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you all – the more the merrier!


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