A Note from the President

It’s really happening! All systems are go for the rebuild and we have a few important things to do to make it happen smoothly.


Firstly a big thanks to those who helped out last weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and the two weeks prior, some tireless efforts from some brave volunteers who gave up their mornings/afternoons in some less than ideal conditions to sort, shred and move documents, goods, fixtures, fittings, competition gear, uniforms and other sundry items to storage or trash.


Last meals at the club for several months will be this Thursday and Friday, expect some more great specials and say a fond farewell, for now at least, to our kitchen staff who’ve delivered a great product and shown the flexibility to work with an environment run by volunteers.


This Saturday morning after “the last supper” we want to get stuck in to the kitchen and get packing what we can from in there, cooking utensils, pots, pans and “crocklery” (the word that came out of my mouth when I was trying to say either cutlery or crockery last Saturday evening on the balcony).  There will be some reasonably light weight work in the kitchen boxing and some heavier work moving boxes from the kitchen to containers or skip.  There is also the office and a few other bits and pieces to be tucked away. The fun will begin at 9:00am so if you can spare an hour or two (or more) at some stage through the day your help will be greatly appreciated.


There is also a gym full of goodies to be packed and stacked for storage (many thanks to Owen) and a beautiful old wooden boat to be lifted from the ceiling and taken to a temporary resting place.


Sunday Kevvy Metal returns – hopefully to the balcony this time to deliver his power packed performance through one of his many bands – think 70’s 80’s 90’s Rock and Roll, big crowd, big fun drink specials, sausage sizzle “Be there or be Elsewhere!”.  $10 a head with drink specials.  party gets underway at 2pm.


We hand over the keys to the club on Monday 12th Feb and projected date for completion is early August.  We will have weekend drinks from the shed and will organize some club nights at other venues when the weather gets serious.  I’ll work with the board and Kate “Queen of Comms” Newman to keep you up to date so look out for bulletins for other social events, footy tipping etc and let us know if you have any ideas for other off season socials.


Mick Kenny

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