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Water cover for schools required

It’s coming up to the end of the year and we have a few school patrols coming up. We’re looking for anyone who is able to head down and help out, even just for a few hours and need to know numbers as there are a significant number of kids for each school.

The club receives donations from each of the schools.  As we are heading into December, it’s a good way to catch up on your hours if you think you may be short.

At this point the dates stand as follows:

8th 9.00 – 2.30 Bethany Christian School

8th 9.30 – 2.30 Thomas More College
14th 10.30 – 2.00 Hope Christian College
15th time TBA Paralowie
15th 9.00 -1.00 Alberton Primary

Let me know on 0433423187 if you’re able to help out!


Jen Hansen


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